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Git access with SSH

We recommend having access to your git server via SSH.

You can take a look at TAP's official docs or continue with my guide below.

Using Gitea as example

This guide takes Gitea as example, although it should work for any of the major Git servers (GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, Bitbucket).

To install Gitea, look here.

Collect Known hosts

Run netshoot or some other container with ssh tools inside the cluster.

kubectl run tmp-shell --rm -i --tty --image ${HARBOR_HOSTNAME}/test/netshoot:v0.9 --namespace default -- /bin/bash
ssh-keyscan gitea-ssh.gitea.svc.cluster.local > gitea-known-hosts.txt

The contents of this file go into your GIT_SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS variable.

cat gitea-known-hosts.txt

Generate SSH Secret

Assuming you are using Gitea, I'll also assume the ssh key for Gitea is located here: ~/.ssh/gitea_id_rsa.

export GIT_SSH_SECRET_KEY="tap-build-ssh"
export GIT_SSH_PUSH_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/gitea_id_rsa)
export GIT_SSH_PULL_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/gitea_id_rsa)
export GIT_SSH_PULL_ID=$(cat ~/.ssh/
export GIT_SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS=$(cat gitea-known-hosts.txt)
ytt -f ytt/tap-build-ssh-key-secret.ytt.yml \
  -v secretName="$GIT_SSH_SECRET_KEY" \
  -v server="$GITEA_HOSTNAME" \
  -v sshPushKey="$GIT_SSH_PUSH_KEY" \
  -v sshPullKey="$GIT_SSH_PULL_KEY" \
  -v sshPullId="$GIT_SSH_PULL_ID" \
  -v knownHosts="$GIT_SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" \
  > "tap-build-ssh-key-secret.yaml"

NOTE: which namespaces? Says ServiceAccount configured for the workload, but what about FluxCD?

kubectl apply -f tap-build-ssh-key-secret.yaml \
  • Add the secret to the secrets of the SA doing the workloads
  • for example, default in Namespace default

You can inspect the SA:

kubectl get sa -n default default -o yaml

Which will then look as follows:

apiVersion: v1
- name: registry-credentials
- name: tap-registry
kind: ServiceAccount
  creationTimestamp: "2023-01-30T10:09:54Z"
  name: default
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "12849738"
  uid: 2b97fa15-c681-447b-9700-85cafb6b561e
- name: registry-credentials
- name: default-token-rxzbh
- name: tap-build-ssh

Last update: 2023-03-01 16:50:17