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TAP GUI - TechDocs with MinIO

TechDocs is a core feature of BackStage, allowing you to host documentation related to applications in a central place1.

TechDocs is Spotify’s homegrown docs-like-code solution built directly into Backstage. Engineers write their documentation in Markdown files which live together with their code - and with little configuration get a nice-looking doc site in Backstage.

For more information, read the announcement blog2.

The least amount of work to host the TechDocs is to use AWS S33. You can find a complete example in the TAP GUI TechDocs documentation4.

In the scenario that you cannot use S3 for one or another reason, we recommend using an S3 compatible API. One tool we recommend to host such an S3 compatible API is MinIO5.

In this guide, we'll do the following:

  • Install MinIO with a Helm chart
  • Create the Docs configuration for the application (TechDocs expect a specific format)
  • Build the TechDocs for an example application
  • Publish these TechDocs in MinIO
  • Host the TechDocs in TAP GUI

Install MinIO

We use the Bitnami Helm Chart to install MinIO6.

There is also a direct VMware Tanzu integration but this is out of scope7.

I make several assumptions with installing this Helm chart:

  1. I use FluxCD to manage the Helm Releases (see TAP GitOps services cluster)
  2. The admin secret is created outside of the Helm Values
    • e.g., with FluxCD and its SOPS encryption
  3. We use Cert-Manager to generate a valid certifcate for the MinIO endpoints
  4. We use Contour as Ingress Controller
    • we disable the Ingress resource, and instead create the appropriate HTTPProxys

Existing Credentials

Let's create a Kubernetes Secret with the literal keys root-user and root-password (keys MinIO expects):

kubectl create secret generic minio-credentials \
  --from-literal=root-user="admin" \
  --from-literal=root-password='MySecretPassword' \
  --namespace minio \
  --dry-run=client \
  -oyaml > minio-credentials.yaml

Password must be 8+ characters

While not clearly documented, the password for MinIO must be eight or more characters.

Else the application fails to start.

If you prefer the YAML form, you can use this as the base for encrypting (assuming you're using GitOps with SOPS).

apiVersion: v1
  root-password: TXlTZWNyZXRQYXNzd29yZA==
  root-user: YWRtaW4=
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: minio-credentials
  namespace: minio


For TLS, I assume there's a ClusterIssuer that can create a certificate for us.

If not, you can create your own.

Either way, ensure both addresses that we're going to use are part of the associated DNS entries:

kind: Certificate
  name: minio
  namespace: minio
  secretName: minio-tls
    name: kearos-issuer
    kind: "ClusterIssuer"


While you can add both into a singular HTTPProxy if you really want, I prefer separating each entry point.

kind: HTTPProxy
  name: minio-api
  namespace: minio
  ingressClassName: contour
      secretName: minio-tls
  - services:
    - name: minio
      port: 9000
kind: HTTPProxy
  name: minio-console
  namespace: minio
  ingressClassName: contour
      secretName: minio-tls
  - services:
    - name: minio
      port: 9001

API and GUI ports

To be clear, MinIO as two ports: API and Console (or Web GUI).

  1. 9000: is the API port, to be used by the techdocs CLI, and the MinIO CLI (mc)
  2. 9001: is the Console port, where you find the Web GUI

For using the browser to explore the files in the Buckets we need to expose and configure the Websocket port as well.

So either you do that, or use the MinIO CLI (mc) to explore the buckets:

mc tree ${MINIO_ALIAS}/${BUCKET}

FluxCD HelmRelease

Then we create the HelmRelease.

kind: HelmRelease
  name: minio
  namespace: minio
  interval: 5m
  timeout: 25m0s
      chart: minio
      version: "12.6.4"
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: bitnami
        namespace: default
      interval: 5m
      existingSecret: minio-credentials
    mode: distributed
      replicaCount: 4

If Using Helm

  existingSecret: minio-credentials
mode: distributed
  replicaCount: 4
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace minio
helm upgrade --install \
  minio bitnami/minio \
  --version 12.10.1 \
  --namespace minio \
  --values minio-values.yaml

Create the Docs configuration

In the application itself, we create the Documentation as Code that we'll turn into the TechDocs.

Backstage relies on the TechDocs plugin for hosting the site, and TechDocs CLI for building the site1 8.

The TechDocs has a specific format, as described in the Backstage docs for how to create and publish the TechDocs9.

It is an extension of the popular MKdocs which is a static site generator that takes Markdown as input and generates a static HTML adhering to all the latest browser expectations10.

Example Docs

As the format is quite explicit, let me share an example that I've used for a personal TAP test application 11.

We need a specific folder structure, a configuration file, and a appropriate MarkDown file.

The folder structure, including only what is relevant for the docs:

├── docs
└── mkdocs.yml

Next, let us look at the configuration file: mkdocs.yml.

site_name: 'example-docs'

  - Home:

  - techdocs-core

Next, the mentioned

- navigation
- toc


This is a demo project for Spring Boot with Postgresql & [Service Bindings]( for [Tanzu Application Platform]( (or TAP).

Build the Docs

The TechDocs expand on the MKDocs tool, which has its own CLI and supported Docker container for building.

The TechDocs CLI can do both as well, so it is up to you which you prefer to use.

Old Version of MKDocs

The TechDocs relies on a somewhat outdated MKDocs version, so if you use MKDocs or MKDocs + Material with newer versions use the Docker container.

Test Locally

Before building the publishable site, we recommend to run the Live view locally first.

You can either use the mkdocs CLU directly:

mkdocs serve

Or run the TechDocs CLI, which runs it via Docker.

npx @techdocs/cli serve

If you do not want to use Docker, you can supply the --no-docker flag. Instead of using Docker, it relies on the mkdocs CLI, so then you might as well use that directly.

Build Site

In terms of building the site for publication, both CLIs offter the same build command. Both generate the site in the folder ./site:

mkdocs build
npx @techdocs/cli build

Publish the Docs to MinIO

To publish the Docs to MinIO we need several steps:

  • Build the docs
  • Ensure the Bucket exists
  • MinIO has a Region configured
  • Know the Entity UID
  • Ensure we have an Access Key to write to the Bucket13
  • Use TechDocs CLI to upload the Site

As we just finished building the docs, we proceed with creating a Bucket.

Create Bucket

We should have build the docs, so let's start with creating the Bucket.

My recommended way to do so, is via the mc CLI (MinIOs CLI)12

First, we set an alias so we don't need to set our credentials everytime.

mc alias set minio_h20 https://$MINIO_HOSTNAME admin 'REPLACE_ME'

Then we create the Bucket called docs.

mc mb --ignore-existing minio_h20/docs

The --ignore-existing flag ensures the command does not fail if the Bucket already exists.

To verify the Bucket is created, we can do an ls on the root directory:

mc ls minio_h20/

Set Region

To set the Region, you can either set the environment variable MINIO_REGION or by using the Console.

In the MinIO Console, navigate to Settings -> Region. Once you set a Region, you need to restart the application for it to take effect.

Know the Entity UID

Next, we need to know the Entity's UID.

The entity being the Software Catalog entry.

Our application is a Component, and in order for Backstage to tie the documentation to that Component, we need to upload it to a particular folder structure16.

Entity uid separated by / in namespace/kind/name order (case-sensitive). Example: default/Component/myEntity

The path of a Component is related to its Software Catalog entry, and how it fits in within the larger model14.

And unless you've created different Namespaces, it is safe to assume you can use default.

The name of my Component is spring-boot-postgres, so our entity UID becomes: default/Component/spring-boot-postgres.

This is the location the TechDocs feature in Backstage attempts to find your Component's docs.

Access Key

Assuming you have an Access Key to use, set them as environment variables along with the Region:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=Yc6VrJP....rcCbeAANj
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=IIvBAU4..........4oTFbMK5egWpZ3v5LOX4fcA
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1

Publish Docs

These are then used by TechDocs CLI to publish the docs:

npx @techdocs/cli publish --publisher-type awsS3 \
  --awsEndpoint \
  --storage-name docs \
  --entity default/Component/spring-boot-postgres \

Use awsS3 with Path Style

While MinIO implements the AWS S3 API, it isn't compatible with its newer version.

We set the --awsS3ForcePathStyle flag to ensure it works with MinIO.

Alternatively, you can use the mc cp command to upload the docs.

mc cp --recursive ./site/ minio_h20/techdocs/default/Component/spring-boot-postgres

Hosting the Docs in TAP GUI

Now that the TechDocs exist in the right place, it is time to show them.

To achieve this, we need to make TAP GUI host them. This requires several more steps:

  1. Add an annotation to the Software Catalog Component
    • the annotation being '': 'dir:.'
  2. Register the Component in the Software Catalog
  3. Configure TAP GUI to retrieve the TechDocs from our MinIO Bucket

Create Component Manifest

Let's start with creating the Component manifest16, including the required annotation:

Below is an example generated by the TAP included Accelerator, witht he annotation added:

kind: Component
  name: spring-boot-postgres
  description: Tanzu Java Web App with Spring Boot 3, using a PostgreSQL database.
    - app-accelerator
    - java                                                   
    - spring
    - web
    - tanzu
    '': ''
    '': 'dir:.'
  type: service
  lifecycle: experimental
  owner: teal

You can find out more about what you can configure in the Component manifest in the Backstage docs.

Configure TAP GUI

The Backstage configuration is handled via the tap_gui.app_config property of the TAP install values.

In there, we can configure the TechDocs via the techdocs property17.

      builder: 'external'
        type: 'awsS3'
          bucketName: 'docs'
            accessKeyId: 'Yc6VrJP....rcCbeAANj'
            secretAccessKey: 'IIvBAU4..........4oTFbMK5egWpZ3v5LOX4fcA'
          region: 'us-east-1'
          s3ForcePathStyle: true                  
          forcePathStyle: true

By default, Backstage assumes it builds the TechDocs for you using the Docker Daemon and the MKdocs config and sources.

Alas, in Kubernetes that is a distinct anti-pattern. We cannot use Docker without some complicated workarounds.

The alternative is what we've done. Build the docs ourselves and publish the site to a storage location Backstage can read from.

This is why we set the builder to external, we build the docs outside of Backstage.

Next, we configure the publisher type awsS3 with the special properties of s3ForcePathStyle and forcePathStyle. Which one you need depends on the version of the AWS Client Library that is included, it is harmless to add both.

Once the TAP GUI server restarts, you can visit the TechDocs via two routes:

  1. Open the Component via the Software Catalog (the Home page), then select the tab called Docs
  2. Open the Docs menu via the menu bar on the left and find your Component


Last update: 2023-11-23 22:47:00