TAP Build¶
For large-scale deployments of TAP, we recommend separating the Build and Test phases of the supply chain into a separate Build cluster.
TAP supports this via the build profile, only installing the components related to these activities 1.
The components installed, among others, are Cartographer, Tekton, Tanzu Build Service, and Grype.
This chapter focuses on creating a GitOps install of the Build profile and configuring TAP to integrate with our tools of choice.
We will take a look at the following:
- Install Tanzu Build Service and its dependencies via GitOps
- Configure Build Profile
- Add ServiceAccount for the View profile
- Manage Workloads
Before diving into the Build profile topics, the GitOps Prep page is considered a pre-requisite.
Install TBS¶
Unsurprisingly, with such a name, one of the significant components of the Build profile is the component that does the building: Tanzu Build Service (TBS).
Unfortunately, TBS can be unwieldy. It requires a good chunk of storage for ContainerD (~100GB), downloads a lot of (container) images, and relies on DockerHub images.
Relocate TBS Dependencies¶
For these reasons, we recommend to always relocate the TBS dependencies to a registry you control, preferably close (network wise) to your clusters4.
The docs are very straightforward, so I won't repeat it here; please follow them and return 4.
One thing that has bitten some customers is that they "know" TBS.
So what they do is they download the TBS product and its dependencies.
Unfortunately, what TAP relies on isn't the same packaging.
Please make sure you relocate tanzu-application-platform/full-tbs-deps-package-repo
If you need help determining which version of the TBS dependencies you need, you can verify this with a TAP Package Repository.
Please refer to the Retrieving Package Schemas section in the TAP GitOps Prep page if you are unsure how to check what versions are in a Package Repository quickly.
TBS and TAP GitOps Install¶
For our installation, we want to install everything via GitOps.
By default, TAP installs TBS in online mode. We run into a slight issue when we point our TAP install to our relocated packages instead.
We also need the TAP TBS Full Dependency Package Repository and the ***Package** installed. This is a different Package Repository, so it is not included in the TAP install.
This is where community members like vrabbi come in2. He has written on how to handle this, and has an example repository3
vrabbi has a lot of good blog posts related to TAP.
I recommend visiting his blog whenever a new version of TAP is released; he usually does a breakdown of what changed.
The solution comes down to the following:
- Add additional properties to our custom Schema file (
) - Add manifest for the Package Repository (Carvel K8S CR)
- Add manifest for the Package Installation (Carvel K8S CR)
Let's get to it.
In the existing custom schema file, add the following:
enabled: true
pkgr_version: "1.10.10" #! matches TAP 1.5.4 I believe
pkgr_repo_url: harbor.services.my-domain.com/buildservice/tbs-full-deps
Then, we create a tbs-install
folder parallel to the tap-install
folder in cluster-config/config
. We create the files 00-pkgr.yaml
and 01-pkgi.yaml
for the Package Repository and Package Install, respectively.
The folder structure should look like this now (limited to relevant files/folders):
├── cluster-config
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── custom
│ │ │ ├── 00-custom-schema.yaml
│ │ │ ├── 01-shared.yaml
│ │ │ └── 02-flux-sync.yaml
│ │ ├── tap-install
│ │ └── tbs-install
│ │ ├── 00-pkgr.yaml
│ │ └── 01-pkgi.yaml
│ └── values
├── flux
├── ns-provisioner
└── tanzu-sync
And for the content:
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@ if data.values.custom.tbs_full_dependencies.enabled:
apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PackageRepository
name: tbs-full-deps-repository
namespace: tap-install
kapp.k14s.io/change-group: pkgr
image: #@ "{}:{}".format(data.values.custom.tbs_full_dependencies.pkgr_repo_url,data.values.custom.tbs_full_dependencies.pkgr_version)
#@ end
The Package Install:
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@ if data.values.custom.tbs_full_dependencies.enabled:
apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PackageInstall
name: full-tbs-deps
namespace: tap-install
kapp.k14s.io/change-group: tbs
kapp.k14s.io/change-rule.0: "upsert after upserting pkgi"
kapp.k14s.io/change-rule.1: "delete before deleting pkgi"
serviceAccountName: tap-installer-sa
refName: full-tbs-deps.tanzu.vmware.com
constraints: #@ data.values.custom.tbs_full_dependencies.pkgr_version
#@ end
Configure Build Profile¶
Now that we have taken care of our dependencies, we can look at the Build profile proper1.
I'm preparing the profile to use the Out Of The Box Supply Chain Testing & Scanning5.
Let's look at what sections we need to provide:
- Profile generics,
, andcontour
- BuildService configuration
- Supply Chain configuration (
) scanning.metadataStore
for legacy reasons
We split the profile values into sensitive and non-sensitive.
Let's start with the non-sensitive values.
I recommend configuring the TAP Install Registry as sensitive, so that leaves us with two properties for the shared
: The shared.ingress_domain
is the DNS "wildcard" for this profile/cluster, and, if required, a Custom CA cert via shared.ca_cert_data
Build Service¶
The build service, by default, leverages the registry from the shared.image_registry
. As we've relocated the packages, that is a different registry.
We also have to tell it not to install the dependencies and instead pull them from our defined TBS registry (kp_default_repository
We that as follows:
pull_from_kp_default_repo: true
exclude_dependencies: true
#! registry for TBS Dependencies
kp_default_repository: "harbor.services.my-domain.com/buildservice/tbs-full-deps"
It still does leverage the credentials used for the shared.image_registry
. See the sensitive values section below if you need different credentials.
OOTB Supply Chain¶
First, we declare which supply chain we use on the top level (e.g., tap_install.values.
). We do so by setting supply_chain
to our desired Supply Chain, in my case, testing_scanning
As before, we want to do everything as GitOps.
TAP supports two Workload flows7:
- Registry Ops: Build, Test, and end with a Cartographer
CR, which a Run profile can install - GitOps: Build, Test, and end with a PullRequest(PR) (or Merge Request for GitLab) containing the Knative Service CR
We choose the GitOps flow. This means we need to tell it several things, such as the server, repository, branch, and some information for the PR.
Last but not least, we inform it of the repository for storing the container images made by TBS (or Kaniko).
supply_chain: testing_scanning
external_delivery: true
server_address: https://gitlab.services.my-domain.com
repository_owner: root
repository_name: tap-apps
branch: main
commit_strategy: pull_request
server_kind: gitlab
commit_branch: ""
pull_request_title: ready for review
pull_request_body: generated by supply chain
server: harbor.services.my-domain.com
repository: tap-apps #! registry project for Workload images
Secret for the PullRequests
By default, the PullRequest (or MergeRequest) is made by a Tekton Pipeline.
Tekton requires a specific kind of Secret format as described in the Tanzu Docs7 and Tekton Docs8.
This secret needs to be assigned the default
ServiceAccount in the namespace (this is the default, pun intended). As you might remember from our GitOps Prepare page, we create the appropriate secrets and use the Namespace Provisioner to add them to the ServiceAccount. This is why!
Full Example¶
Full Profile Example
profile: build
ingress_domain: build.my-domain.com
ca_cert_data: |- #! if you need a custom support a custom Certificate Authority (CA)
pull_from_kp_default_repo: true
exclude_dependencies: true
#! registry for TBS Dependencies
kp_default_repository: "harbor.services.my-domain.com/buildservice/tbs-full-deps"
supply_chain: testing_scanning
external_delivery: true
server_address: https://gitlab.services.my-domain.com
repository_owner: root
repository_name: tap-apps
branch: main
commit_strategy: pull_request
server_kind: gitlab
commit_branch: ""
pull_request_title: ready for review
pull_request_body: generated by supply chain
server: harbor.services.my-domain.com
repository: tap-apps #! registry project for Workload images
url: "" #! a bug requires this setting for TAP 1.4 and 1.5 (not sure about 1.6)
ceip_policy_disclosed: true
type: LoadBalancer
#! this is from the GitOps Preparation page
controller: false
ref: origin/main
subPath: platforms/clusters/build-01/ns-provisioner/install
url: git@github.com:joostvdg/tap-gitops.git
name: github-ssh
namespace: shared
create_export: false
- git:
ref: origin/main
subPath: platforms/clusters/build-01/ns-provisioner/additional-sources
url: git@github.com:joostvdg/tap-gitops.git
# secretRef section is only needed if connecting to a Private Git repo
name: github-ssh-1
namespace: shared
create_export: false
path: _ytt_lib/testing-scanning-supplychain-setup
Sensitive Values¶
Below are the sensitive values.
The shared.image_registry
with the URL, username, and password.
Mind you, the example below is before encryption with SOPS (or ESO); encrypt it before placing it at that location.
#! registry for the TAP installation packages
project_path: harbor.services.mydomain.com/tap/tap-packages
username: #! username
password: #! password or PAT
private_key: |
known_hosts: |
Same credentials for TAP and TBS
Mind you, the example below is before encryption with SOPS (or ESO); encrypt it before placing it at that location.
kp_default_repository: #! registry, e.g., "index.docker.io/joostvdgtanzu/build-service"
kp_default_repository_username: #! username
kp_default_repository_password: #! password or PAT
Add View ServiceAccount¶
One of the essential features of TAP is its GUI.
For the TAP GUI to show the Supply Chains, one of its core features, it needs access to the Kubernetes cluster hosting them.
In this scenario, we separate the Build cluster from the cluster the TAP GUI runs in (View cluster). So, we must provide the TAP GUI with alternative means to view the Supply Chain resources.
We do that by creating a ServiceAccount in each cluster we want the TAP GUI to have visibility9. Then, copy the token of that ServiceAccount into the View profile configuration.
Add this ServiceAccount with the required permission and a Token to our additional Kubernetes resources.
Let's place this in the folder cluster-config/config/custom
, and call the file 03-tap-gui-service-account.yaml
TAP GUI Viewer Service Account
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: tap-gui
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
namespace: tap-gui
name: tap-gui-viewer
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: tap-gui-viewer
namespace: tap-gui
kubernetes.io/service-account.name: tap-gui-viewer
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: tap-gui-read-k8s
- kind: ServiceAccount
namespace: tap-gui
name: tap-gui-viewer
kind: ClusterRole
name: k8s-reader
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
name: k8s-reader
- apiGroups: ['']
resources: ['pods', 'pods/log', 'services', 'configmaps', 'limitranges']
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['metrics.k8s.io']
resources: ['pods']
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['apps']
resources: ['deployments', 'replicasets', 'statefulsets', 'daemonsets']
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['autoscaling']
resources: ['horizontalpodautoscalers']
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['networking.k8s.io']
resources: ['ingresses']
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['networking.internal.knative.dev']
resources: ['serverlessservices']
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: [ 'autoscaling.internal.knative.dev' ]
resources: [ 'podautoscalers' ]
verbs: [ 'get', 'watch', 'list' ]
- apiGroups: ['serving.knative.dev']
- configurations
- revisions
- routes
- services
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['carto.run']
- clusterconfigtemplates
- clusterdeliveries
- clusterdeploymenttemplates
- clusterimagetemplates
- clusterruntemplates
- clustersourcetemplates
- clustersupplychains
- clustertemplates
- deliverables
- runnables
- workloads
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['source.toolkit.fluxcd.io']
- gitrepositories
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['source.apps.tanzu.vmware.com']
- imagerepositories
- mavenartifacts
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['conventions.apps.tanzu.vmware.com']
- podintents
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['kpack.io']
- images
- builds
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['scanning.apps.tanzu.vmware.com']
- sourcescans
- imagescans
- scanpolicies
- scantemplates
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['tekton.dev']
- taskruns
- pipelineruns
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['kappctrl.k14s.io']
- apps
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: [ 'batch' ]
resources: [ 'jobs', 'cronjobs' ]
verbs: [ 'get', 'watch', 'list' ]
- apiGroups: ['conventions.carto.run']
- podintents
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list']
- apiGroups: ['appliveview.apps.tanzu.vmware.com']
- resourceinspectiongrants
verbs: ['get', 'watch', 'list', 'create']
Add Workload Specific Resources¶
The main question to ask: how do you separate Workloads and their specific resources?
In TAP, a likely answer is to separate Workloads in TAP's Developer Namespaces.
Sure, you might have a Team with more than one similar kind of application (or at least a repository). Beyond that, it makes sense to separate them via Kubernetes Namespaces.
So, what resources are we talking about?
- The
definition, as a starter - The Tekton test Pipeline, see next section on why
- Any other possible resource, such as a Secret, ConfigMap, or what have you
Unfortunately, where we are in the GitOps install, we hit a bit of a snag:
- We cannot add them to the Tanzu Sync folder(
), as the Namespace Provisioner manages the namespaces (i.e., they aren't guaranteed to exist yet, blocking reconciliation) - We cannot add them to the Namespace Provisioner, as we need different ones per Namespace
While technically, we could add them to the Namespace Provisioner's namespaces.yaml
file, I believe it is the wrong place to do so.
Possible Solution¶
In the GitOps preparation page, we explored how we can add additional FluxCD controllers and resources. We should leverage those to move the responsibility to synchronize these resources outside TAP.
This also gives us more flexibility in terms of which (Git) repositories to use:
- Create a Namespace called
- Create a
in there, pointing to a Git repository containing the teams/applications and their resources per environment - Add a
to instruct FluxCD which resources to synchronize (from that GitRepository) - We can then freely add any other FluxCD resources we want to synchronize in that Git repository
How do we do that?
In my case, we create a Source, a GitRepository
. This ensures FluxCD keeps an up-to-date clone of that repository in the cluster.
yaml title="platforms/clusters/build-01/cluster-config/config/flux-sources/apps-git-repository.yaml apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 kind: GitRepository metadata: name: apps namespace: apps annotations: kapp.k14s.io/change-rule: upsert after upserting GitRepository spec: gitImplementation: go-git ignore: | !.git interval: 1m0s ref: branch: main secretRef: name: apps-gitlab url: https://gitlab.services.my-domain.com/root/tap-apps.git
And then we can choose, do we want to manage Workload specific Kustomization
's directly in the same Git repository, or do we want some indirection.
I create an abstraction layer by having my Workload specific Kustomization
in a directory in the Git repository we synchronize.
The Kustomization
we include in the TAP install repository points to that directory instead.
TODO: describe folder structure/Git repository structure * add diagram
For example, my tap-apps
Git repository looks as follows:
├── tap
│ └── apps
│ ├── build
│ │ └── team-orange-kustomization.yaml
│ ├── run-01
│ └── run-02
└── teams
└── orange
├── backstage
│ ├── team.yaml
│ └── user-example.yaml
├── build
│ ├── namespace-setup.yaml
│ ├── tap-demo-03
│ │ └── workload.yaml
│ ├── tap-demo-04
│ │ └── workload.yaml
│ └── tekton
│ └── java-test-pipeline.yaml
├── prod
│ └── tap-demo-04
│ └── delivery.yml
└── staging
├── tap-demo-03
│ └── tap-demo-03.yaml
└── tap-demo-04
└── delivery.yml
The Kustomization
in the tap-gitops
repository points to the tap/apps/build
folder, synchronizing all applicable files to the cluster.
As you can see, one of those files is team-orange-kustomization.yaml
This file points to teams/orange/build/
and synchronizes all the Workload
manifests we need. It also includes a file namespace-setup.yaml
to create the namespace and any secret we need.
A folder named tekton
includes any team-specific Tekton resource, such as its Pipeline for testing.
In my case, the production and staging resources for the run-01
and run-02
clusters are in the same repository. But that is mainly because this is a compacted example; you might separate those into distinct Git repositories instead.
Add Tekton Pipeline¶
Speaking of Tekton pipelines, there is a reason we included the Pipeline for testing in this example.
To the surprise of many, the Testing & Scanning OOTB Supply Chain still needs to be completed. It misses the Test Pipeline, which is expected to be a Tekton Pipeline with the Label apps.tanzu.vmware.com/pipeline: test
The Cartographer Supply Chains are written to be reusable across applications and tech stacks. A Tekton Pipeline is not, which is one of the reasons Cartographer exists in the first place.
So we recommend to:
- Leverage Tekton Tasks in the Tekton Pipelines
- Include the Tasks in the Namespace Provisioner so each Workload Namespace has all of them
- Separately synchronize the team or application-specific Tekton Pipeline for testing
We've tackled steps two and three. The contents of the Pipeline is out of scope for this guide, see the TAP Supply Chain Customization section for more information on that.
This might be a complex situation, hard to grasp with just words alone.
Hopefully, we can make it easier to digest with a visualization:
Let's break down the interactions in the cluster with this setup.
We start with two Git repositories: tap-gitops
without TAP install configuration and tap-apps
, with everything related to our Workloads.
- The FluxCD synchronization we set up in the GitOps preparation synchronizes the (FluxCD)
and AppsKustomization
- The
points to ourtap-apps
Git repository, making FluxCD do a Git clone - The
in theapps
Namespace lets FluxCD synchronize resources from a sub-path of a Git repository - The
also points towards theGitRepository,
so FluxCD knows which Git clone to use - The
tells FluxCD to synchronize thetap-apps/apps/build
folder and its subdirectories - This includes, among other things, another
, for Team Orange - This
is pointing to the sameGitRepository
(as I'm using a single Git repository) - In this "Team Orange"
, we have theWorkload
(the Cartographer CR) and other resources, such as the Tekton Pipeline for testing
You are now ready to install the TAP Build profile.
It has been a long journey, but each subsequent cluster and profile is similar.
For the actual install commands, I refer to the docs 10.