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Create Backstage Backend Plugin

Let's start with creating Backstage Backend Plugin.

I'm going to write how I created my plugin. This is based on the official guide and a Medium blog post (series). So, this is not something I invented and there likely isn't anything new here.

The idea here is that I write down my experience to serve as my long term memory.

The prior art are these two resources:


The steps we'll take, are the following:

  1. Initialize a new backend plugin with Yarn
  2. Embed the plugin in our Backstage copy
  3. Verify the plugin works within Backstage
  4. Build and publish it as a standalone NPMJS package

Init Backend Plugin

To get started, get to your Backstage code copy. Make sure you're at the root of the code base.


The root directly should be like this:

tree -L 1
├── app-config.local.yaml
├── app-config.production.yaml
├── app-config.yaml
├── backstage.json
├── catalog-info.yaml
├── dist-types
├── examples
├── lerna.json
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── packages
├── playwright.config.ts
├── plugins
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock

Name of plugin

The creation command adds -backend automatically.

To create the plugin, we run the yarn new command:

yarn new --select backend-plugin

This generates your plugin, which is now located in the folder ./plugins/<nameOfPlugin>.

The initial response should be something like this:

Creating backend plugin @internal/plugin-hello-backend

 Checking Prerequisites:
  availability  plugins/hello-backend   creating      temp dir 
 Executing Template:
  copying       .eslintrc.js   templating   templating    package.json.hbs   copying       setupTests.ts   copying       index.ts   templating    run.ts.hbs   copying       router.test.ts   copying       router.ts   templating    standaloneServer.ts.hbs 
  moving        plugins/hello-backend   backend       adding dependency   executing     yarn install // this will be "working for some time"
  executing     yarn lint --fix 
🎉  Successfully created backend-plugin

I've named my plugin Hello, but feel free to choose a different name:

export PLUGIN_NAME=hello

Enter to your plugin directory:

cd plugins/${PLUGIN_NAME}-backend

And then run the self-run command as follows:

LEGACY_BACKEND_START=true yarn start

A successful launch emits the following:

Build succeeded
2024-01-10T17:06:52.173Z backstage info Listening on :7007

This will bootup a Node backend server with your plugin. To verify your plugin works, run the following:

http :7007/${PLUGIN_NAME}/health
curl http://localhost:7007/${PLUGIN_NAME}/health | jq

The response should be a 200 OK with a bit of JSON:

    "status": "ok"

Verify in Backstage

Oke, so the plugin works in and by itself.

That is not very useful, so let's import it into Backstage.

Set Package Namespace

Before we continue, we should update the Package namespace in package.json.

By default, it is "name": "@internal/...",.

When we publish it to we need to set this to our username or organization.

We use this full name (namespace + package name) to import our plugin to Backstage. So update it now to your username or organization, to avoid problems later.

In my case, the first three lines of package.json now look like this:

    "name": "@kearos/plugin-hello",
    "version": "0.2.0",

To make this next command easier to use, export your NPMJS name(space):

export NPMJS_NAME=

Go back to the root directory of Backstage (should be cd ../../).

And then run this:

yarn add --cwd packages/backend "@${NPMJS_NAME}/plugin-${PLUGIN_NAME}-backend@^0.1.0" 
yarn workspace backend add "@${NPMJS_NAME}/plugin-${PLUGIN_NAME}-backend@^0.1.0"

We need to make two more code changes before we can run Backstage and see our plugin live.

First, create a plugin file at ./packages/backend/src/pugins/<name_of_plugin>.ts:


import { createRouter } from '@kearos/plugin-hello-backend';
import { Router } from 'express';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';

export default async function createPlugin(
    env: PluginEnvironment,
    ): Promise<Router> {

    return await createRouter({
        logger: env.logger,

Start the Backstage backend:

yarn start-backend

And then call our plugin API again:

http :7007/api/${PLUGIN_NAME}/health
curl localhost:7007/api/${PLUGIN_NAME}/health | jq


Notice the addition of /api there.

Which should return the same response:

  "status": "ok"

This is it for our Backend plugin code.

While we could implement some logic and create an additional end point, for the purpose of having a backend and client plugin working together, this is enough.

Build and Publish to NPMSJS

Before we can wrap it up entirely, we need to publish our backend plugin.

To do so, we need to compile the TypeScript and build a NPM package we can publish.

Build Package

To compile the type script, we go to the root of the Backstage project, and run the following:

yarn install && yarn tsc

If there are any errors, which there shouldn't, resolve them before continuing.

We can then build the package. First, go back to the plugin folder:

cd plugins/${PLUGIN_NAME}-backend

Then run the build:

yarn build

Once this is done, your plugin should be build and contain a dist folder:


Which gives this result:

├── dist
   ├── index.cjs.js
   └── index.d.ts
├── node_modules
├── package.json
└── src
    ├── index.ts
    ├── run.ts
    ├── service
       ├── router.test.ts
       ├── router.ts
       └── standaloneServer.ts
    └── setupTests.ts

Publish Package

Ensure you have an account and your NPM CLI is logged in:

npm login

Then, from the root of your plugin, run the NPM Publish command:

npm publish --access public

Which should ask you to login to your NPM account:

npm notice
npm notice 📦  @kearos/plugin-hello-backend@0.2.1
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 638B
npm notice 888B  dist/index.cjs.js
npm notice 1.2kB dist/
npm notice 235B  dist/index.d.ts
npm notice 1.1kB package.json
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name:          @kearos/plugin-hello-backend
npm notice version:       0.2.1
npm notice filename:      kearos-plugin-hello-backend-0.2.1.tgz
npm notice package size:  1.8 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 4.1 kB
npm notice shasum:        e7f58.............................bbd05e
npm notice integrity:     sha512-uhBJRSVioTMTd[...]xJ6Ti9WH+qluA==
npm notice total files:   5
npm notice
npm notice Publishing to with tag latest and public access
Authenticate your account at:
Press ENTER to open in the browser..

Once you do, it should return with the following:

+ @kearos/plugin-hello-backend@0.2.1

We've completed our work on the backend plugin.

Last update: 2024-01-17 08:24:08