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RedHat OpenShift 3.11 on GCP - Medium

Initially, I wrote a guide to get RedHat OpenShift 3.11 running on Google Cloud (GCP) with minimal effort. It is based on the GCP guide from RedHat1, but limiting the configuration options to the bare minimum.

So, why another guide? Well, I wanted to go a few steps further. Creating a separated network to make the cluster more secure. I also want to ensure the Domain Name, IP, and load balancing are automated to improve the OpenShift installation.

I will guide you in creating a secured network, with an automated DNS configuration, and automated TLS for our endpoints.


This guide is written early March 2020, using jx version 2.0.1212 and OpenShift version v3.11.170.


What do we need to get started?

  • active GCP account with billing enabled
  • GCP project
  • gcloud tool installed
  • terraform 0.12+ installed
  • active RedHat account
    • which hasn't used its 60 day trial license of OpenShift yet
  • domain name registration which can forward subdomains to name servers (class CNAME)


This doc contains a prefix for the VM's created in GCP. This prefix is set to <prefix>. Next to that, the user used, is set to my_user.

You probably want to change that, so please take care with copy-pasting!


  • create Terraform configuration for GCP VM's
  • create the VM's in GCP with RedHat Enterprise Linux v7
  • configure dns
  • install OpenShift pre-requisites on each VM
  • create OpenShift Ansible configuration
  • install OpenShift via Ansible
  • create initial users

GCP Terraform

What Do We Need

Having gone through the process of installing RHOS 3.11 once, I ran into an issue. The documentation makes it seems you only need master nodes, compute nodes and VM's for etcd (can be the same as Master). However, you also need at least one infra node.

You can opt for a HA cluster, with three master nodes, or a single master node for a test cluster. I'm going with the latter. The master node will house the Kubernetes Control Plane, the infra node will house the OpenShift infra. As we won't have cluster autoscaling - a bit fancy for a manual test cluster - we have to make sure the machines are beefy to take the entire workload.

Another thing we need for OpenShift, is having DNS that works between the nodes. For example, you should be able to say node1 and end up at the correct machine. Due to GCP networking, this internal DNS works out-of-the-box for any machine with our network/project.


Our machines need to have unique names!

So I ended up with the following:

  • 1x master node -> n1-standard-8: 8 cores, 30gb mem
  • 1x infra node -> n1-standard-8: 8 cores, 30gb mem
  • 4x compute node -> n1-standard-4: 4 cores, 15gb mem (each)

VM Image

Of course, if you want to run RedHat OpenShift Enterprise (RHOS), your VM's need to run a RedHat Enterprise Linux distribution(RHEL).

In order to figure out which vm images are currently available, you can issue the following command via gcloud.

gcloud compute images list --project rhel-cloud

Which should give a response like this:

NAME                                                  PROJECT            FAMILY                            DEPRECATED  STATUS
rhel-6-v20200205                                      rhel-cloud         rhel-6                                        READY
rhel-7-v20200205                                      rhel-cloud         rhel-7                                        READY
rhel-8-v20200205                                      rhel-cloud         rhel-8                                        READY

For the VM image in our Terraform configuration, we will use the NAME of the image. For RHOS 3.11, RedHat strongly recommends using RHEL 7, so we use rhel-7-v20200205.

Terraform Configuration

Google Cloud networking can get a bit complicated. In order to make the configuration easier to digest, I've created the Terraform configuration in the form of Terraform Modules2.

There are four modules:

  • Instance: VM image definition
  • IP: static IP's and CloudDNS configuration
  • LB: load balancers, port forwards and health checks
  • VPC: vpc, subnet, and firewalls

There are two main benefits to using the modules;

  • the modules means we can reuse the terraform code - especially nice for the instances
  • it is easier to port the outcome of one resource - for example an IP address - as input to another

For this case, each module - except IP - will have three files:

  1. contains the resource definitions of this module
  2. contains the input for the module
  3. export values from created resources, to be used by other modules/resources

In the main folder we have:

  • creating the resources via the modules
  • input variables
  • Google Bucket3 as backing storage for the OpenShift (Docker) Registry4


RHOS 3.11 - GCP Network Model

Terraform Module IP
resource "google_compute_global_address" "master" {
    name = "master"

resource "google_compute_address" "nodes" {
    name = "nodes"

resource "google_dns_record_set" "ocp" {
    name = "api.${google_dns_managed_zone.my_ocp_domain.dns_name}"
    type = "A"
    ttl  = 300
    managed_zone =
    rrdatas = [google_compute_global_address.master.address]

resource "google_dns_record_set" "apps" {
    name = "*.apps.${google_dns_managed_zone.my_ocp_domain.dns_name}"
    type = "A"
    ttl  = 300
    managed_zone =
    rrdatas = [google_compute_address.nodes.address]

resource "google_dns_managed_zone" "my_ocp_domain" {
    name     = "my-ocp-domain"
    dns_name = "my.ocp.domain."
output "master_ip" {
    value = google_compute_global_address.master.address

output "nodes_ip" {
    value = google_compute_address.nodes.address

Terraform Module VPC
resource "google_compute_network" "vpc_network" {
    name                                 =  var.vpc_name
    auto_create_subnetworks = "false"
    routing_mode                   = "GLOBAL"

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "vpc_subnet_int" {
    name                         =  var.network_name_int
    ip_cidr_range            = var.network_name_int_range
    network                     = google_compute_network.vpc_network.self_link
    region                        = var.region
    private_ip_google_access = true

resource "google_compute_firewall" "fw_access" {
    name    = "my-rhos311-fw-ext"
    network =

    allow {
        protocol = "icmp"

    allow {
        protocol = "tcp"
        ports    = ["22", "80", "443"]
    source_ranges = [""]

resource "google_compute_firewall" "fw_gcp_health_checks" {
    name    = "my-rhos311-fw-gcp-health-checks"
    network =

    allow {
        protocol = "tcp"
        ports    = ["0-65535"]

    source_ranges = ["",""]

resource "google_compute_firewall" "allow-internal" {
    name    = "my-rhos311-fw-int"
    network =

    allow {
        protocol = "icmp"

    allow {
        protocol = "tcp"
        ports    = ["0-65535"]

    allow {
        protocol = "udp"
        ports    = ["0-65535"]
    source_ranges = [
variable "region" {}
variable "vpc_name" {}
variable "network_name_int" {}

variable "network_name_int_range" {
    default = ""
output "vpc_link" {
    value = "${google_compute_network.vpc_network.self_link}"

output "vpc_subnet_int" {
    value =   "${google_compute_subnetwork.vpc_subnet_int.self_link}"

Terraform Module LB
resource "google_compute_health_check" "master" {
    name         = "https"
    healthy_threshold = 3
    unhealthy_threshold = 3
    timeout_sec        = 10
    check_interval_sec = 10
    https_health_check {
        request_path = "/healthz"
        port = "443"

resource "google_compute_http_health_check" "nodes" {
    name         = "nodes"
    request_path = "/healthz"
    port = 1936
    healthy_threshold = 3
    unhealthy_threshold = 3
    timeout_sec        = 10
    check_interval_sec = 10

resource "google_compute_backend_service" "master" {
    name          = "backend-service-master"
    health_checks = [ "${google_compute_health_check.master.self_link}" ]
    # load_balancing_scheme  = "EXTERNAL"
    protocol = "TCP"
    session_affinity =  "CLIENT_IP"
    port_name   = "ocp-api"
    backend {
        group = var.instance_group_master

resource "google_compute_target_tcp_proxy" "master_tcp_proxy" {
    name            = "master-tcp-proxy"
    backend_service = google_compute_backend_service.master.self_link

resource "google_compute_global_forwarding_rule" "master_forwarding" {
    name                  = "master-forwarding"
    ip_address         = var.master_ip
    target                = google_compute_target_tcp_proxy.master_tcp_proxy.self_link
    port_range            = 443

resource "google_compute_target_pool" "nodes" {
    name = "nodes"

    instances = var.instance_group_nodes

    health_checks = [

resource "google_compute_forwarding_rule" "network-load-balancer-http" {
    name                  = "network-load-balancer-http"
    ip_address         = var.nodes_ip
    target                  =   google_compute_target_pool.nodes.self_link
    port_range            = "80"
    ip_protocol           = "TCP"

resource "google_compute_forwarding_rule" "network-load-balancer-https" {
    name                  = "network-load-balancer-https"
    ip_address         = var.nodes_ip
    target                =     google_compute_target_pool.nodes.self_link
    port_range            = "443"
    ip_protocol           = "TCP"
variable "region" {}
variable "instance_group_master" {}
variable "instance_group_nodes" {}
variable "master_ip" {}
variable "nodes_ip" {}
output "health_check_master" {
    value =  "${google_compute_health_check.master.self_link}"

output "health_check_nodes" {
    value =  "${google_compute_http_health_check.nodes.self_link}"

Terraform Module Instance
resource "google_compute_instance" "instance" {
    name         = "${var.prefix}-${var.instance_name}"
    machine_type = var.machine_type
    zone         =
    allow_stopping_for_update = true

    boot_disk {
        initialize_params {
            image = var.vm_image
            size = var.disk_size
            type = "pd-ssd"

    network_interface {
        network =
        subnetwork = var.vpc_subnet_int
        access_config  {
            # gives the node an external IP address
            # not sure if this is still required?

    metadata = {
        ssh-keys = var.ssh_key
    service_account {
        scopes = [
variable "machine_type" {
    default = "n1-standard-4"

variable "vm_image" {
    default ="rhel-7-v20200205"

variable "disk_size" {
    default = 100

variable "ssh_key" {}
variable "prefix" {}
variable "instance_name" { }
variable "zone" {}
variable "network" {}
variable "vpc_subnet_ext" {}
variable "vpc_subnet_int" {}
output "link" {
    value = "${google_compute_instance.instance.self_link}"

Terraform Main
terraform {
    required_version = "~> 0.12"

provider "google" {
    version   = "~> 2.18.1"
    project   = var.project
    region    =  var.region
    zone      = "europe-west4-b"

module "vpc" {
    source = "./modules/vpc"
    region = var.region
    vpc_name = "vpc-my-rhos311"
    network_name_int = "network-my-rhos311-int"
    network_name_ext = "network-my-rhos311-ext"

module "master1" {
    source = "./modules/instance"
    machine_type = "n1-standard-8"
    instance_name = "master1"
    prefix = var.instance_prefix
    network = module.vpc.vpc_link
    vpc_subnet_int = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_int
    vpc_subnet_ext = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_ext
    zone =
    ssh_key = "my_user:${file("~/.ssh/")}"

module "infra1" {
    source = "./modules/instance"
    machine_type = "n1-standard-8"
    instance_name = "infra1"
    prefix = var.instance_prefix
    network = module.vpc.vpc_link
    vpc_subnet_int = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_int
    vpc_subnet_ext = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_ext
    zone =
    ssh_key = "my_user:${file("~/.ssh/")}"

module "node1" {
    source = "./modules/instance"
    instance_name = "node1"
    prefix = var.instance_prefix
    network = module.vpc.vpc_link
    vpc_subnet_int = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_int
    vpc_subnet_ext = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_ext
    zone =
    ssh_key = "my_user:${file("~/.ssh/")}"

module "node2" {
    source = "./modules/instance"
    instance_name = "node2"
    prefix = var.instance_prefix
    network = module.vpc.vpc_link
    vpc_subnet_int = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_int
    vpc_subnet_ext = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_ext
    zone =
    ssh_key = "my_user:${file("~/.ssh/")}"

module "node3" {
    source = "./modules/instance"
    instance_name = "node3"
    prefix = var.instance_prefix
    network = module.vpc.vpc_link
    vpc_subnet_int = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_int
    vpc_subnet_ext = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_ext
    zone =
    ssh_key = "my_user:${file("~/.ssh/")}"

module "node4" {
    source = "./modules/instance"
    instance_name = "node4"
    prefix = var.instance_prefix
    network = module.vpc.vpc_link
    vpc_subnet_int = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_int
    vpc_subnet_ext = module.vpc.vpc_subnet_ext
    zone =
    ssh_key = "my_user:${file("~/.ssh/")}"

resource "google_compute_instance_group" "master" {
    name = "my-rhos311-master"
    zone =  var.master_zone
    instances = [,

    named_port {
        name = "ocp-api"
        port = "443"

resource "google_compute_instance_group" "nodes" {
    name = "my-rhos311-nodes"
    zone =  var.master_zone
    instances = [,,,,

    named_port {
        name = "ocp-api"
        port = "1936"
module "ips" {
    source = "./modules/ip"

module "lb" {
    source = "./modules/lb"
    region = var.region
    instance_group_master = "${google_compute_instance_group.master.self_link}"
    instance_group_nodes = [
    master_ip = module.ips.master_ip
    nodes_ip =  module.ips.nodes_ip
variable "project" { }

variable "region" {
    default ="europe-west4"

variable "name" {
    description = "The name of the cluster (required)"
    default     = "jx-openshift-311"

variable "compute_machine_type" {
    default = "n1-standard-4"

variable "master_machine_type" {
    default = "n1-standard-8"

variable "instance_prefix" {
    default ="my-rhos311"

variable "vm_image" {
default ="rhel-7-v20200205"

variable "master_zone" {
    description = "Zone in which the Master Node will be created"
    default = "europe-west4-a"

variable "zone" {
    default = "europe-west4-a"
resource "google_storage_bucket" "ocp-registry" {
    name          = "my-rhos311-ocp-registry"
    location      = "EU"

Create VMs with Terraform

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply "plan.out"

We should end up with six nodes:

  1. <prefix>-master1
  2. <prefix>-infra1
  3. <prefix>-node1
  4. <prefix>-node2
  5. <prefix>-node3
  6. <prefix>-node4

Verify VMs

Before we can install the OpenShift pre-requisites, we verify if the VMs are ready to use. To verify the VMs, we will do the following:

  1. confirm we can ssh into each VM
  2. confirm we can use sudo in each VM
  3. confirm the infra node can call each VM by name (<prefix>-infra1, <prefix>-master1, <prefix>-node1, <prefix>-node2, <prefix>-node3, <prefix>-node4)
  4. confirm the infra node can ssh into all VMs (including itself!)

SSH into VMs

There are several ways to ssh into the VMs. You can do so via ssh installed on your machine, you can do so via the GCP console. I will use another option, using the gcloud CLI, using the ssh key I've configured in Terrafom (ssh-keys = "my_user:${file("~/.ssh/")}").

Why am I using this form? Well, it makes it easier to reason about which machine I ssh into, as I can use the VM name.

# your google project id
# the google zone the vm is in, for example: europe-west-4a
gcloud beta compute --project $PROJECT_ID ssh --zone $VM_ZONE "<prefix>-infra1"

Confirm you can ssh into each VM by changing the zone/name accordingly.

Confirm Sudo

Our ssh user isn't root - as it should be - so we need to use sudo for some tasks.

Confirm sudo works;

sudo cat /etc/locale.conf

Confirm Local DNS

The OpenShift installation process and later OpenShift itself, relies on local dns. This means, it assumes if there's a node called <prefix>-master1, it can do ssh <prefix>-master1 and it works.

In GCP, DNS works within a Project by default. So assuming all the VMs are within the same project this works out-of-the-box. But, to avoid any surprises later, confirm it.

[my_user@master ~]$ ping <prefix>-master1
PING master.c.MY_PROJECT_ID.internal ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from <prefix>-master1.c.MY_PROJECT_ID.internal ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.041 ms
64 bytes from <prefix>-master1.c.MY_PROJECT_ID.internal ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.094 ms


As you might expect, MY_PROJECT_ID will be the Google project Id where your VMs are. I've hidden that as a safety precaution, confirm it looks correct!

Infra Node can SSH into others

For the OpenShift installation, our installation VM has to be able to ssh into every other VM3. This doesn't work out of the box.


I used my own keys here directly, because this is a temporary project only used by me. If your usecase is different, and you're not sure how to proceed, consult a security professional!

We have to create the ssh public key on every node for our ssh user (in my case, my_user) and the private also for our installation host (for example, <prefix>-infra1).

This might not be a security best practice, but I did this by copying over my ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ to each node's user home (/home/my_user/.ssh/).


Once you've done this, ssh into the infra node, and confirm it can ssh to every other node.

  • ssh my_user@<prefix>-node1
  • ssh my_user@<prefix>-node2
  • ssh my_user@<prefix>-node3
  • ssh my_user@<prefix>-node4
  • ssh my_user@<prefix>-master1
  • ssh my_user@<prefix>-infra1 -> YES, you have to ssh into yourself!

This is important, because through this step, you can accept the prompt so the installation process can run unattended!

Make sure to set the correct permissions to the id_rsa file via sudo chmod 0400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa!

Fix Locale

I kept running into a locale warning, about using one that didn't exist on the VM.

If you want to get rid of this, you can change the /etc/locale.conf file.

sudo vim /etc/locale.conf

Make sure it looks like this.


OpenShift Installation Pre-requisites

Before we can install OpenShift, we have to bring our nodes into a certain state.

We will do the following:

  • register our VMs to RedHat
  • register our VMs as part of our OpenShift Enterprise license
  • configure yum for the installation process
  • install and configure docker for the installation process
  • login to the RedHat docker registry

Register VMs

Please note, these steps have to be done on every VM!

If you use something like iterm25, you can save yourself some time by having four parallel sessions for each VM. You do this by creating a split window (control + command + D), and once logged in, create a shared cursor via command + shift+ i.

We start by installing the subscription manager.

sudo yum install subscription-manager -y

We then register our instance with our RedHat account.

sudo subscription-manager register --username=<user_name> --password=<password>
sudo subscription-manager refresh

Find the OpenShift subscription and you should get a single option. Use the id as the --pool in the next command.

sudo subscription-manager list --available --matches '*OpenShift*'
sudo subscription-manager attach --pool=?

Configure Yum Repos

There's commands to disable each individual repository, but I found it easier to disable all, and then add those we need after.

sudo subscription-manager repos --disable="*"
sudo yum repolist
sudo yum-config-manager --disable \*

Install Default Packages

As we've disable all of our yum repositories, we first add the once we need.

sudo subscription-manager repos \
    --enable="rhel-7-server-rpms" \
    --enable="rhel-7-server-extras-rpms" \
    --enable="rhel-7-server-ose-3.11-rpms" \

Once we have a set of usable yum repositories, we can then install all the packages we need.

sudo yum install wget git net-tools bind-utils yum-utils iptables-services bridge-utils bash-completion kexec-tools sos psacct openshift-ansible atomic python-docker-py docker device-mapper-libs device-mapper-event-libs -y


There have been some bugs in the past, related to docker versions. If, for some reason, you have to downgrade to a known working version of docker, this is a way of doing that.

sudo yum downgrade docker-rhel-push-plugin-1.13.1-75.git8633870.el7_5  docker-client-1.13.1-75.git8633870.el7_5 docker-common-1.13.1-75.git8633870.el7_5 docker-1.13.1-75.git8633870.el7_5

Once we have all the packages installed, make sure they're updated and then we reboot our machines.

sudo yum update -y
sudo reboot

Install Docker

I sneaked the docker packages into the previous installation command already, so we only have to enable/configure docker at this point.

If you want to configure more details, such as where docker stores its volumes/data, please take a look at RedHat's installation guide6.

sudo systemctl start docker.service
sudo systemctl enable docker.service

To confirm docker works:

sudo systemctl status docker.service

Make sure that on each node, your default user can use docker.

sudo setfacl --modify user:my_user:rw /var/run/docker.sock

Setup Registry Authentication

The images for OpenShift come from RedHat's own docker registry. We have to login, before we can use those images7.

So use your RedHat account credentials.

docker login -u <USER> -p <PASS>

Create Ansible Inventory File

OpenShift comes with two ways of installing, via docker or via Ansible. The fun part, the docker container will use Ansible to install anyway.

So no matter which way you will install OpenShift, you need to create a InventoryFile.

RedHat has a couple of example files8, but these aren't complate - you need infra nodes as well!

Important Configuration Items

Bellow follow some variables I recommend configuring, for information, consult the RedHat documentation^9.

  • OSEv3:children: the types of nodes to be configured
  • OSEv3:vars: variables for the installation process
    • ansible_become: set the True if Ansible can not run as root
    • ansible_ssh_user: if Ansible cannot run as root, as which user should it ssh into the other nodes
    • oreg_url: template for the docker images used by OpenShift, this should be${component}:${version}, it will be used by components such as ETCD, Kubelet and so on
    • oreg_auth_user: your RedHat account username
    • oreg_auth_password: your RedHat account password
    • openshift_cloudprovider_kind: the kind of cloud provider where RHOS is installed on, in the case of GCP its gce (don't ask me)
    • openshift_gcp_project: is required to allow OpenShift the ability to create local disks in GCP for PersistentVolumes, should be your Google Project ID
    • openshift_gcp_prefix: prefix used for all the GCP resources, makes it easier to correlate, and reduces the chance of naming conflicts
    • openshift_gcp_network_name: the name of the vpc created with Terraform
    • openshift_gcp_multizone: set this to False, unless you have more than one master, in more than one gcp zone
    • openshift_master_api_port=443: by default OpenShift uses 8443, but this is not supported by GCP loadbalancers
  • openshift_master_console_port=443: by default OpenShift uses 8443, but this is not supported by GCP loadbalancers
    • os_firewall_use_firewalld: use firewalld instead of iptables, seems to work better and is recommended by the RHOS 3.11 install guide (as of 2018+ I believe
    • openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname:
  • Node definitions (etcd, masters, nodes): instructs Ansible which machine should be configured and with what


If you want to use the internal OpenShift (Docker) Registry, you have to configure it here9. You can add these variables under OSEv3:vars.

  • openshift_hosted_registry_replicas: how many replicas, docs recommend 1
  • openshift_hosted_registry_storage_kind: type of storage, if using the GCP Bucket, set this to object
  • openshift_hosted_registry_storage_provider: if using the GCP Bucket, set this to gcs
  • openshift_hosted_registry_storage_gcs_bucket: the full name of the GCP Bucket
  • openshift_gcp_network_name: the network the GCP Bucket is part of, irrelevant if the Bucket is Global10

Inventory File

# Create an OSEv3 group that contains the masters, nodes, and etcd groups

# Set variables common for all OSEv3 hosts
# SSH user, this user should allow ssh based auth without requiring a password

# If ansible_ssh_user is not root, ansible_become must be set to true

# If deploying single zone cluster set to "False"


openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider'}]
openshift_master_htpasswd_users={'administrator': 'password'}

# host group for masters

# host group for etcd

# host group for nodes, includes region info
<prefix> openshift_node_group_name='node-config-master'
<prefix> openshift_node_group_name='node-config-compute'
<prefix> openshift_node_group_name='node-config-compute'
<prefix> openshift_node_group_name='node-config-compute'
<prefix> openshift_node_group_name='node-config-compute'
<prefix> openshift_node_group_name='node-config-infra'


Make sure to replace the YOUR_... placeholder values with your actual values.

  • oreg_auth_user (YOUR_RED_HAT_USERNAME)
  • oreg_auth_password (YOUR_RED_HAT_PASSWORD)

Install RHOS 3.11 with Ansible

There are two ways to install RHOS 3.11. Via Ansible directly8, or via Ansible in a container^9. As our nodes are configured according to what the Ansible installation requires, there's no need to rely on the container.

Additionally, if you want to use the container way, you have to make sure the container can use the same DNS configuration as the nodes can themselves. I've not done this, so this would be on you!

Final Preparations

Ansible creates a fact file. It does so at a location a non-root user doesn't have access to.

So it is best to create this file upfront - on every node - and chown it to the user that will do the ssh/Ansible install.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/ansible/facts.d
sudo chown -R my_user /etc/ansible/facts.d

Install OpenShift

We install OpenShift via two scripts, playbooks/prerequisites.yml and playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml. When we install openshift-ansible atomic via yum, we also get the Ansible playbooks for OpenShift.

Either go into the directory of those files, or use the entire path;

cd /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible

Execute OpenShift Pre-requisites script:

ansible-playbook -i /home/my_user/inventoryFile /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/prerequisites.yml

If all is successful, it will end with all actions in green and finished successfully (or similar) . Once this is the case, execute OpenShift Installation:

ansible-playbook -i /home/my_user/inventoryFile  /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml

Now you should be able to run oc get nodes on the installation node.

Create Users

In the inventoryFile, I've configured the OpenShift user management as follows:

openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider'}]
openshift_master_htpasswd_users={'administrator': 'password'}


You probably do NOT want to do this for a production environment. RedHat has a guide on this10, I suggest you consult it for an overview of the options.

This configuration means that you have to create the users on the <prefix>-master1 node, via htpasswd.

Create user via htpasswd

sudo htpasswd /etc/origin/master/htpasswd <user>

Mind you, this user does not have any rights yet, nor a token with which they can login to the Kubernetes API!

Give him admin rights

oc create clusterrolebinding registry-controller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=<user>

Get Config

First, login with oc login, this will prompt you for a username and then password. Fill in the values for the user you've created above with htpasswd.

Only once you've logged in via oc login, do you get a token. Use the password for the console, but the token for kubeconfig/docker registry.

To view the token, first confirm you're logged in with the right user:

oc whoami

Then retrieve the token as follows:

oc whoami -t

To retrieve the config file for Kubernetes's API, you can issue the following command.

oc config view

Login to OpenShift Registry

To retrieve the Registry URL:

kubectl get route --namespace default

Which should give you something like this:

NAME               HOST/PORT                                      PATH   SERVICES           PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD
docker-registry           docker-registry    <all>   passthrough   None
registry-console          registry-console   <all>   passthrough   None

Unless you have configured a proper SSL certificate, docker won't let you login. See the next chapter for more information on that.

If you do have a SSL certificate, this is how you can login:

docker login -u <user> -p <token>

SSL Via Certmanager

There are many ways to get a valid SSL certificate for your domain.

Here I guide you through the following:

  • install old certmanager - the latest requires Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Confgure DNS Verification to let Certmanager use CloudDNS12
  • generate cert for *
  • add cert to the OpenShift Router and Docker Registry resources

Install Compatible Certmanager

Luckily, Certmanager has documentation on how to install itself on OpenShift 3.1111.

Below are the steps, yes it is that simple.

oc create namespace cert-manager
oc apply --validate=false -f

Confgure DNS Verification

First we need to setup a Google cloud service account13, and retrieve the json key.

Save this file as credentials.json, and then create a kubernetes secret.

kubectl create secret generic external-dns-gcp-sa --from-file=credentials.json

Certificate Issuer

kind: Issuer
  name: letsencrypt-prod
    email: <INSERT_YOUR_EMAIL>
      name: letsencrypt-prod
    - dns01:
          project:  <INSERT_YOUR_GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID>
            key: credentials.json
            name: external-dns-gcp-sa

Wildcard Certificate

kind: Certificate
  name: acme-crt
  secretName: acme-crt-secret
  - "*"
    name: letsencrypt-prod
    # We can reference ClusterIssuers by changing the kind here.
    # The default value is Issuer (i.e. a locally namespaced Issuer)
    kind: Issuer


Don't forget to change the dnsNames!

Configure Certificate In Router

HA Proxy expect a crt file with the key and cert, while the Certmanager secret's tls.crt file only contains the certificate - how unexpected.

So, what we have to do is the following: * get tls.crt raw data (the actual certificate) * get tls.key raw data * add the data from tls.key to a file tls.key * add the data from both tls.key and tls.crt to a file tls.crt * create a new secret * edit the Router to use our new secret * kill the router pod to force it to load our new certificate

kubectl get secret acme-crt-secret -o yaml
echo "<base64 secret value> | base64 -D"

Or, if you have jq14 installed, you can do something like this.

kubectl get secret  -n default  acme-crt-secret  -o json | jq -r '.data | map_values(@base64d)'

Add them both the PEM certificate and the key to the file tls.crt, and the key to the file tls.key.

Create a new secret

kubectl create secret tls letsencrypt-copy --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key

And then edit the Route, via the following command:

kubectl edit -n default replicationcontrollers router-1

Change the secret.secretName value of the volume named server-certificate from router-certs to letsencrypt-copy.

It should then look like this:

      - name: metrics-server-certificate
          defaultMode: 420
          secretName: router-metrics-tls
      - name: server-certificate
          defaultMode: 420
          secretName: letsencrypt-copy

Configure Certificate in Docker Registry

Edit docker registry as well:

kubectl edit replicationcontrollers docker-registry-1

Make sure to overide the naming convention of registry.crt and registry.key to the sensible tls.key and tls.crt.

        - name: REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY
          value: /etc/secrets/tls.key
          value: docker-registry.default.svc:5000
          value: /etc/registry/config.yml
          value: docker-registry.default.svc:5000
          value: /etc/secrets/tls.crt


Last update: 2020-03-19 22:30:22