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Compute resources

Create network

VPC with Firewall rules

provider "google" {
  credentials = "${file("${var.credentials_file_path}")}"
  project     = "${var.project_name}"
  region      = "${var.region}"

resource "google_compute_network" "khw" {
  name                    = "kubernetes-the-hard-way"
  auto_create_subnetworks = "false"

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "khw-kubernetes" {
  name          = "kubernetes"
  ip_cidr_range = ""
  region        = "${var.region}"
  network       = "${google_compute_network.khw.self_link}"

resource "google_compute_firewall" "khw-allow-internal" {
  name    = "kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-internal"
  network = "${}"

  source_ranges = ["", ""]

  allow {
    protocol = "tcp"

  allow {
    protocol = "udp"

  allow {
    protocol = "icmp"

resource "google_compute_firewall" "khw-allow-external" {
  name    = "kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-external"
  network = "${}"

  allow {
    protocol = "icmp"

  allow {
    protocol = "tcp"
    ports    = ["22", "6443"]

  source_ranges = [""]

resource "google_compute_firewall" "khw-allow-dns" {
  name    = "kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-dns"
  network = "${}"

  source_ranges = [""]

  allow {
    protocol = "tcp"
    ports    = ["53", "443"]

  allow {
    protocol = "udp"
    ports    = ["53"]

resource "google_compute_firewall" "khw-allow-health-check" {
  name    = "kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-health-check"
  network = "${}"

  allow {
    protocol = "tcp"

  source_ranges = ["", "", ""]

Confirm network

gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="network:kubernetes-the-hard-way"

Should look like:

NAME                                    NETWORK                  DIRECTION  PRIORITY  ALLOW                 DENY
kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-external  kubernetes-the-hard-way  INGRESS    1000      icmp,tcp:22,tcp:6443
kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-internal  kubernetes-the-hard-way  INGRESS    1000      icmp,udp,tcp

Public IP

resource "google_compute_address" "khw-lb-public-ip" {
    name = "kubernetes-the-hard-way"


gcloud compute addresses list --filter="name=('kubernetes-the-hard-way')"


NAME                     REGION        ADDRESS         STATUS
kubernetes-the-hard-way  europe-west4  RESERVED

VM Definitions with Terraform modules

We're going to need to create 6 VM's. 3 Controller nodes and 3 worker nodes.

Within each of the two categories, all the three VM's will be the same. So it would be a waste to define them more than once. This can be achieved via Terraform's Module system(read more here.

Define a module

For the sake of naming convention, we'll put all of our modules in a modules subfolder. We'll start with the controller module, but you can do the same for the worker.

mkdir -p modules/controller
ls -lath
drwxr-xr-x  27 joostvdg  staff   864B Aug 26 12:50 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 joostvdg  staff   640B Aug 22 14:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x   4 joostvdg  staff   128B Aug  7 22:43 modules
ls -lath modules
drwxr-xr-x  27 joostvdg  staff   864B Aug 26 12:50 ..
drwxr-xr-x   4 joostvdg  staff   128B Aug  7 22:43 .
drwxr-xr-x   4 joostvdg  staff   128B Aug  7 22:03 controller

Inside modules/controller we create two files, and We have to create an additional variables file, as the module cannot use the main folder's variables.

Then, in our main folder we'll create a tf file for using these modules, called As stated above, we pass along any variable from our main to the module.

module "controller" {
  source       = "modules/controller"
  machine_type = "${var.machine_type_controllers}"
  num          = "${var.num_controllers}"
  zone         = "${var.region_default_zone}"
  subnet       = "${var.subnet_name}"

module "worker" {
  source       = "modules/worker"
  machine_type = "${var.machine_type_workers}"
  num          = "${var.num_workers}"
  zone         = "${var.region_default_zone}"
  network      = "${}"
  subnet       = "${var.subnet_name}"

Controller config

data "google_compute_image" "khw-ubuntu" {
  family  = "ubuntu-1804-lts"
  project = "ubuntu-os-cloud"

resource "google_compute_instance" "khw-controller" {
  count          = "${var.num}"
  name           = "controller-${count.index}"
  machine_type   = "${var.machine_type}"
  zone           = "${}"
  can_ip_forward = "true"

  tags = ["kubernetes-the-hard-way", "controller"]

  boot_disk {
    initialize_params {
      image = "${data.google_compute_image.khw-ubuntu.self_link}"
      size  = 200                                                 // in GB

  network_interface {
    subnetwork = "${var.subnet}"
    address    = "${count.index}"

    access_config {
      // Ephemeral External IP

  # compute-rw,storage-ro,service-management,service-control,logging-write,monitoring
  service_account {
    scopes = ["compute-rw",


variable "num" {
  description = "The number of controller VMs"

variable "machine_type" {
  description = "The type of VM for controllers"

variable "zone" {
  description = "The zone to create the controllers in"

variable "subnet" {
  description = "The subnet to create the nic in"

Worker config

Extra config for the worker are the routes, to aid the pods going out of the node.

data "google_compute_image" "khw-ubuntu" {
  family  = "ubuntu-1804-lts"
  project = "ubuntu-os-cloud"

resource "google_compute_instance" "khw-worker" {
  count          = "${var.num}"
  name           = "worker-${count.index}"
  machine_type   = "${var.machine_type}"
  zone           = "${}"
  can_ip_forward = "true"

  tags = ["kubernetes-the-hard-way", "worker"]

  metadata {
    pod-cidr = "10.200.${count.index}.0/24"

  boot_disk {
    initialize_params {
      image = "${data.google_compute_image.khw-ubuntu.self_link}"
      size  = 200                                                 // in GB

  network_interface {
    subnetwork = "${var.subnet}"
    address    = "${count.index}"

    access_config {
      // Ephemeral External IP

  service_account {
    scopes = ["compute-rw",

resource "google_compute_route" "khw-worker-route" {
  count       = "${var.num}"
  name        = "kubernetes-route-10-200-${count.index}-0-24"
  network     = "${}"
  next_hop_ip = "${count.index}"
  dest_range  = "10.200.${count.index}.0/24"


variable "num" {
  description = "The number of controller VMs"

variable "machine_type" {
  description = "The type of VM for controllers"

variable "zone" {
  description = "The zone to create the controllers in"

variable "network" {
  description = "The network to use for routes"

variable "subnet" {
  description = "The subnet to create the nic in"

Health check

Because we will have three controllers, we have to make sure that GKE forwards Kubernetes API requests to each of them via our public IP address.

We do this via a http health check, wich involves a forwarding rule and a target pool. Target pool being the group of controller VM's for which the forwarding rule is active.

resource "google_compute_target_pool" "khw-hc-target-pool" {
  name = "instance-pool"

  # TODO: fixed set for now, maybe we can make this dynamic some day
  instances = [

  health_checks = [

resource "google_compute_http_health_check" "khw-health-check" {
  name         = "kubernetes"
  request_path = "/healthz"
  description  = "The health check for Kubernetes API server"
  host         = "${var.kubernetes-cluster-dns}"

resource "google_compute_forwarding_rule" "khw-hc-forward" {
  name       = "kubernetes-forwarding-rule"
  target     = "${google_compute_target_pool.khw-hc-target-pool.self_link}"
  region     = "${var.region}"
  port_range = "6443"
  ip_address = "${google_compute_address.khw-lb-public-ip.self_link}"

Apply Terraform state

In the end, our configuration should consist out of several .tf files and look something like this.

ls -lath
drwxr-xr-x  27 joostvdg  staff   864B Aug 26 12:50 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 joostvdg  staff   640B Aug 22 14:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x   4 joostvdg  staff   128B Aug  7 22:43 modules
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff   1.5K Aug 26 12:50
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff   1.3K Aug 17 16:03
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff   4.4K Aug 17 12:06
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff   1.6K Aug 17 09:35
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff   517B Aug 16 17:09
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff    92B Aug 16 13:52
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff   365B Aug  7 22:07
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff   189B Aug  7 16:51
drwxr-xr-x   5 joostvdg  staff   160B Aug  7 21:52 .terraform
-rw-r--r--   1 joostvdg  staff     0B Aug  7 18:28 terraform.tfstate

We're now going to plan and then apply our Terraform configuration to create the resources in GCE.

terraform plan
terraform apply

Last update: 2019-08-31 13:29:28