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Kubernetes components are stateless and store cluster state in etcd. In this lab you will bootstrap a three node etcd cluster and configure it for high availability and secure remote access.

The bare minimum is to have a single etcd instance running. But for production purposes it is best to run etcd in HA mode. This means we need to have three instances running that know eachother.

Again, this is not a production ready setup, as the static nature prevents automatic recovery if a node fails.

Steps to take

  • download & install etcd binary
  • prepare required certificates
  • create systemd service definition
  • reload systemd configuration, enable & start the service

Install script

Make sure that the local install script is on every server, you can use the script for this.

Then, make sure you're connect to all three controller VM's at the same time, for example via tmux or iterm. For iterm:

  • use ctrl + shift + d to open three horizontal windows
  • use ctrl + shift + i to write output to all three windows at once
  • login to each controller gcloud compute ssh controller-?
  • ./


sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl member list \
    --endpoints= \
    --cacert=/etc/etcd/ca.pem \
    --cert=/etc/etcd/kubernetes.pem \

Expected Output

3a57933972cb5131, started, controller-2,,
f98dc20bce6225a0, started, controller-0,,
ffed16798470cab5, started, controller-1,,

Last update: 2019-08-31 13:29:28