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GKE Terraform



Terraform Configuration

The idea behind the Terraform configuration is as follows:

  • Use Configuration-as-Code to create the GKE Cluster
  • Have separate Node Pools for workload isolation / specialization
  • Each Node Pool has a Cluster Autoscaler to make the cluster size dynamic


variable "project" { }

variable "name" {
  description = "The name of the cluster (required)"
  default     = "my-awesome-jx-cluster"

variable "description" {
  description = "The description of the cluster"
  default     = "Jenkins X Environment for ..."

variable "location" {
  description = "The location to host the cluster"
  default     = "europe-west4"

variable "cluster_master_version" {
  description = "The minimum kubernetes version for the master nodes"
  default     = "1.14.7-gke.10"


terraform {
  required_version = "~> 0.12"

provider "google" {
  version   = "~> 2.18.1"
  project   = "${var.project}"
  region    = "europe-west4"
  zone      = "europe-west4-b"


resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
  name        = "${}"
  location    = "${var.location}"

  # We can't create a cluster with no node pool defined, but we want to only use
  # separately managed node pools. So we create the smallest possible default
  # node pool and immediately delete it.
  remove_default_node_pool  = true
  initial_node_count        = 1
  min_master_version        = "${var.cluster_master_version}"
  resource_labels           = {
    environment = "development"
    created-by  = "terraform"
    owner       = "joostvdg"

  # Configuration options for the NetworkPolicy feature.
  network_policy {
    # Whether network policy is enabled on the cluster. Defaults to false.
    # In GKE this also enables the ip masquerade agent
    enabled = true

    # The selected network policy provider. Defaults to PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED.
    provider = "CALICO"

Node Pools

resource "google_container_node_pool" "nodepool1" {
  name       = "pool1"
  location   =  "${var.location}"
  cluster    =  "${}"
  node_count = 1

  management {
    auto_repair  = true
    auto_upgrade = true

  autoscaling {
    min_node_count = 1
    max_node_count = 4

  node_config {
    machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
    oauth_scopes = [

resource "google_container_node_pool" "nodepool2" {
  name       = "pool2"
  location   = "europe-west4"
  cluster    = "${}"
  node_count = 1

  autoscaling {
    min_node_count = 1
    max_node_count = 3

  node_config {
    machine_type = "n2-standard-2"
    oauth_scopes = [

Last update: 2019-11-25 08:32:26