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Jenkins X on RedHat OpenShift 3.11

Why Jenkins X on RedHat OpenShift 3.11? Well, not everyone can use public cloud solutions.

So, in order to help out those running OpenShift 3.11 and want to leverage Jenkins X, read along.


This guide is written early March 2020, using jx version 2.0.1212 and OpenShift version v3.11.170.

The OpenShift used is installed on GCP in a minimal fashion, so some shortcuts are taken. For example, there's only one user, the Cluster Admin. This isn't likely in a production cluster, but it is a start.


  • jx binary
  • kubectl is 1.16.x or less
  • Helm v2
  • running OpenShift 3.11 cluster
    • with cluster admin access - for withouth, take a look at this guide
  • GitHub account

If you're like me, you're likely managing your packages via a package manager such as Homebrew or Chocolatey. This means you might run newer versions of Helm and kubectl and need to downgrade them. See below how!


If you run this in an on-premises solution or otherwise cannot contact GitHub, you have to use Lighthouse for managing the webhooks.

As of March 2020, the support for Bitbucket Server is missing some features read here on what you can about that. Meanwhile, we suggest you either use GitHub Enterprise or GitLab as alternatives with better support.

Temporarily set Helm V2

Download Helm v2 release from Helms GitHub Releases page.

Place the binary somewhere, for example $HOME/Resource/helm2. Then set your path with the location of Helm v2 first, before including the whole path to ensure Helm v2 is found first.


Ensure you're now running helm 2 by the command below:

helm version --client

It should show this:

Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.16.1", GitCommit:"bbdfe5e7803a12bbdf97e94cd847859890cf4050", GitTreeState:"clean"}

Downgrade Kubctl

Downgrade kubectl (need lower than 1.17):

curl -LO
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

To confirm your kubectl version is as expected, run the command below:

kubectl version --client

The output should be as follows:

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"16", GitVersion:"v1.16.7", GitCommit:"be3d344ed06bff7a4fc60656200a93c74f31f9a4", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-02-11T19:34:02Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.6", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}

Install Via Boot

The current (as of March 2020) recommended way of installing Jenkins X, is via jx boot.

Boot Configuration

  • provider: kubernetes: Normally, this is set to your cloud provider. in order to stay close to Kubernetes itself and thus OpenShift, we set this to kubernetes
  • registry: If you're on a public cloud vender, jx boot creates a docker registry for you (GCR on GCP, ACR on AWS, and so on), in this example we leverage Docker Hub ( This should be indicative for any self-hosted registry as well!
  • dockerRegistryOrg: caladreas: when the docker registry owner - in my case, caladreas- is different from the git repository owner, you have to specify this via dockerRegistryOrg
  • secretStorage: local: Thre recommended approach is to use the HashiCorp Vault integration, but that isn't supported on OpenShift
  • webhook: prow: This uses Prow for webhook management. In March 2020 the best option to use with GitHub. If you want to use Bitbucket read my guide on jx with lighthouse & bitbucket.
  enabled: false
  clusterName: rhos11
  environmentGitOwner: <GitHub User>
  gitKind: github
  gitName: github
  namespace: jx
  provider: kubernetes
  dockerRegistryOrg: caladreas
- ingress:
    externalDNS: false
    ignoreLoadBalancer: true
    namespaceSubDomain: -jx.
  key: dev
  repository: environment-rhos11-dev
- ingress:
    domain: ""
    namespaceSubDomain: ""
  key: staging
  repository: env-rhos311-staging
- ingress:
    domain: ""
    namespaceSubDomain: ""
  key: production
  repository: env-rhos311-prod
gitops: true
  externalDNS: false
  ignoreLoadBalancer: true
  namespaceSubDomain: -jx.
kaniko: true
repository: nexus
secretStorage: local
  ref: v1.0.361
webhook: prow

Jx Boot

Go to a directory where you want to clone the development environment repository.

Create the initial configuration file, jx-requirements.yml, and run the initial jx boot iteration.

jx boot

It will ask you if you want to clone the jenkins x boot config repository:

? Do you want to clone the Jenkins X Boot Git repository? [? for help] (Y/n)

Say yes, and it will clone the configuration repository and start the jx boot pipeline. It will fail, because not all values are copied from your jx-requirements.yml into the new cloned repository.

To resolve this, go into the new cloned repository and replace the values of jx-requirements.yml with your configuration. Once done, restart the installation.

jx boot

Failed to install certmanager

Jenkins X will fail to install Certmanager, because it relies on newer API components from Kubernetes than are available in OpenShift 3.11. The 11 of 3.11 refers to Kubernetes 1.11. Certmanager requires 1.12+.

To disable the installation of certmanager, we edit the jenkins-x.yml, which is the pipeline executed by jx boot.

We have to remove the step, that tries to install certmanager; install-cert-manager-crds. The block of code we have to remove, is as follows:

            - args:
              - apply
              - --wait
              - --validate=false
              - -f
              command: kubectl
              dir: /workspace/source
              - name: DEPLOY_NAMESPACE
                value: cert-manager
              name: install-cert-manager-crds

Once done, we can run jx boot again.

Pipeline Runner faillure

For me, the pipeline runner deployment failed, failing the jx boot process - when it validates if everything came up.

pipelinerunner-74897865f5-2k4vb                0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   55         4h
error: unable to clone version dir: unable to create temp dir for version stream: mkdir /tmp/jx-version-repo-083799486: permission denied

A solution, is add a volume to the pipelinerunner deployment, which mounts an emptyDir1 to at /tmp.

    - mountPath: /tmp
      name: cache-volume
  - name: cache-volume
    emptyDir: {}

Once the pipelinerunner pod is running, rerun the jx boot installation.

jx boot

It should now succeed with cluster ok.

Create Quickstart

To validate Jenkins X works as it should, the first step is to create a quickstart23.

For simplicity, lets stick to a Go (lang) project.

jx create quickstart --filter golang-http --project-name jx-go-rhos311 --batch-mode

This creates a new repository based on the quickstart for Go (lang)4 and the build pack for Go (lang)5.

I ran into two issues:

  1. Tekton is not mounting my Docker registry credentials, thus the Kaniko build fails with 401: not authenticated
  2. the expose controller6 is using Ingress resources by default, but doesn't want to create those on OpenShift7

Once the issues below are solved, the application is runing in the staging environment. You can view the applications in your cluster as follows:

jx get application

Which should look something like this:

jx-go       0.0.1   1/1

Missing Docker Credentials

I used Docker hub as my Docker registry, but this applies to any other self-hosted Docker registry.

We have to do the following:

  1. create a docker-registry secret in Kubernetes, with the credentials to our Docker registry (dockerhub or otherwise)
  2. mount this secret in a location Kaniko picks it up
kubectl create secret docker-registry kaniko-secret --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<password>  --docker-email=<email-address>

Mount docker hub secret as json in classic Kaniko style.

  -  name: DOCKER_CONFIG
     value: /root/.docker/
    - pipeline: release
      stage: build 
      name: container-build
        - name: kaniko-secret
            defaultMode: 420
            secretName: kaniko-secret
                - key: .dockerconfigjson
                  path: config.json
          - mountPath: /root/.docker
            name: kaniko-secret

This should be enough. But if Kaniko still runs into a 401 unathenticated error, you have to change the ConfigMap for the builder PodTemplate. For example, if you use Go with the go build pack, your build container will use the jenkins-x-pod-template-go config map. This contains some environment variables related to Docker. If you still have issues, remove these environment variables.

those pod template configmaps are to support traditional jenkins servers so we don't really need much from them anymore with tekton, though if we delete them things fail for now so need to keep them, but just try and remove all the DOCKER related stuff from the configmap

kubectl edit cm jenkins-x-pod-template-go

Expose Controller Options

When the build succeeds, Jenkins X makes a PullRequest to your environment repository. By default, the first one is Staging, which will automatically promote10 and run the application.

This fails, because the default setting of the staging environment, is to expose the applications via the Expose Controller with an Ingress resource. Currently (March 2020), the Expose Controller assumes OpenShift cannot handle Ingress resources7.

So there's two options here:

  1. configure the Expose Controller to use a Route to expose an application11
  2. customize the Expose Controller to only issue a warning when using exposer: Ingress on OpenShift environment

If you choose option one, change the value of exposer from Ingress to Routeof the env/values.yaml.


  Annotations: post-install,post-upgrade hook-succeeded
  - --v
  - 4
    exposer: Route
    http: "true"
    tlsacme: "false"
    urltemplate: '{{.Service}}.{{.Domain}}'

If you choose option 2, fork the Expose Controller repository and change the line that stops it from creating Ingress resources7.

As can be seen here:

    if t == openShift {
        return nil, errors.New("ingress strategy is not supported on OpenShift, please use Route strategy")

And the following steps:

  1. new local build
  2. create and push Docker image to a registry accessable in the cluster
  3. create a new helm package, in charts directory, execute helm package exposecontroller
  4. upload Helm chart somewhere, for example, a GitHub repository
  5. update the env/requirements.yaml to use your helm chart instead of the Jenkins X one for the Expose Controller

For example:


# - alias: expose
#   name: exposecontroller
#   repository:
#   version: 2.3.118
- alias: expose
  name: exposecontroller
  version: 2.3.109

Promote To Production

To promote an application to the Production environment, we have to instruct Jenkins X to do it for us10.

For example:

jx promote jx-go-rhos311-1 --version 0.0.34 --env production --batch-mode

Aside from the Expose Controller issues, there's nothing else to be done.

Just be sure to make those changes in your production environment repository.

Preview Environments

The only thing required to generate a Preview Environment in Jenkins X12, is to create a PullRequest to the master branch from a other branch.

Wether the preview environment succeeds, depends on two things.

One, does the Jenkins X service account - tekton-bot - have enough permissions to create the namespace unique to the pull request - default naming scheme is jx-<user>-<app>-pr-<prNumber>.

Two, because each Preview Environment has its one Expose Controller13, the Expose Controller needs to be configured to either use Route or accept creating Ingress when on OpenShift.

If all is done, you can retrieve the current preview environments as follows:

jx get preview

Which should yield something like this:

PULL REQUEST                                           NAMESPACE        APPLICATION jx-jx-jx-go-pr-1


Registry Owner Mismatch

It can happen that the docker registry owner is not the same for every application. If this is the case, the application will have to make a workaround after it is imported into Jenkins X (via jx import or jx create quickstart).

In order to resolve the mismatch between the default Jenkins X installation Docker registry owner and the application's owner, we need to change two things in our Jenkins X pipeline (jenkins-x.yml)8.

  1. add an override for the Docker registry owner in the jenkins-x.yml, the pipeline of your application.
  2. add an override for the container-build step of the build stage, for both the release and pullrequest pipelines.

Overriding the pipeline is done by specifying the stage to override under pipelineConfig.overides89.

When you set dockerRegistryOwner, it overrides the value generated elsewhere.

dockerRegistryOwner: caladreas

The only exception is where the image gets uploaded to via Kaniko.


The end result will look like this.


dockerRegistryOwner: caladreas
buildPack: go
    - pipeline: release
      stage: build 
      name: container-build
        - name: container-build
          dir: /workspace/source
          command: /kaniko/executor
            - --cache=true
            - --cache-dir=/workspace
            - --context=/workspace/source
            - --dockerfile=/workspace/source/Dockerfile
            - --verbosity=debug
    - pipeline: pullrequest
      stage: build 
      name: container-build
        - name: container-build
          dir: /workspace/source
          command: /kaniko/executor
            - --cache=true
            - --cache-dir=/workspace
            - --context=/workspace/source
            - --dockerfile=/workspace/source/Dockerfile
            - --verbosity=debug


Last update: 2020-03-20 12:41:49