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Promote To Production

Code Snapshots

There's a branch for the status of the code after:

Configure Production Environment Repository

For each Jenkins X environment that your application is going to land in, such as jx-staging and jx-production, we have to enable Vault support.

We do this by making a change in the Environment's jx-requirements.yml file in the root of the repository of the environment. This file might not exist, if so, create it.

If you're not sure where the repository of your environment is, you can retrieve this information via the jx CLI.

jx get environments

To enable support for Vault, we add secretStorage: vault to the file. The file will look like this:


secretStorage: vault

Add Application Values

Same as we did in the chapter Database Connection Ad Secrets, we add the application's values in the env/values.yaml file of the environment.


    sql_connection: vault:quarkus-fruits:INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME
    sql_sa: vault:quarkus-fruits:SA
    sql_password: vault:quarkus-fruits:GOOGLE_SQL_PASS

Promote Application

First, retrieve the current version of your application.

jx get application

It should yield something like this:

quarkus-fruits 1.0.51  1/1

We can now promote the latest working version in staging, 1.0.49 in my casse, to Production!

jx promote --app quarkus-fruits --version ${VERSION} --env production -b


Well, it is never finished now is it?

But this is as much as I want to write down, for now.

Last update: 2020-06-11 13:51:44