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Hello World Demo

Create GKE + Jenkins X cluster

export JX_CLUSTER_NAME=joostvdg
export JX_ENV_PREFIX=joostvdg
export JX_ADMIN_PSS=vXDzpiaVAthneXJR355J7PBT
export JX_GIT_USER=joostvdg
export JX_API_TOKEN=61edcbf6507d31b3f2fe811baa82aa6de33db001
export JX_ORG=demomon
export JX_GCE_PROJECT=ps-dev-201405
export JX_K8S_REGION=europe-west4
export JX_K8S_ZONE=europe-west4-a
export JX_K8S_VERSION=

Get supported K8S versions

```bash tab="Zonal" gcloud container get-server-config --zone ${JX_K8S_ZONE}

``` bash tab="Regional"
gcloud container get-server-config --region ${JX_K8S_REGION}

export JX_K8S_VERSION=1.11.7-gke.4

Create regional cluster w/ Domain

Currently only possible if you create a regional cluster first and then install jx.

gcloud container clusters create ${JX_CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --region ${JX_K8S_REGION} --node-locations ${GKE_NODE_LOCATIONS} \
    --cluster-version ${JX_K8S_VERSION} \
    --enable-pod-security-policy \
    --enable-network-policy \
    --num-nodes 2 --machine-type n1-standard-2 \
    --min-nodes 2 --max-nodes 3 \
    --enable-autoupgrade \
    --enable-autoscaling \
jx install

Create zonal cluster w/ Domain

jx create cluster gke \
    --cluster-name="${JX_CLUSTER_NAME}" \
    --default-admin-password="${JX_ADMIN_PSS}" \
    --domain="${JX_DOMAIN}" \
    --kubernetes-version="${JX_K8S_VERSION}" \
    --machine-type='n1-standard-2' \
    --max-num-nodes=3 \
    --min-num-nodes=2 \
    --project-id=${JX_GCE_PROJECT} \
    --zone="${JX_K8S_ZONE}" \
    --kaniko=true \


jx install \
    --default-environment-prefix=$JX_ENV_PREFIX \
    --git-api-token=$JX_API_TOKEN \
    --git-username=$JX_GIT_USER \
    --environment-git-owner=$JX_GIT_USER \
    --default-admin-password="${JX_ADMIN_PSS}" \

Configure Domain

Once the cluster is up and the Jenkins X basics are installed, jx will prompt us about missing an ingress controller.

? No existing ingress controller found in the kube-system namespace, shall we install one? Yes

Reply yes, and in a little while, you will see the following message:

You can now configure your wildcard DNS to point to
nginx ingress controller installed and configured

We can now go to our Domain configuration and set *.jx.${DomainName} to the ip listed.

If you're using Google Domains by any chance, you create an A class record for *.jx with ip

Unfortunately, that's not enough, as the ingress resources created by jx after will have a different IP address. So we have to add a second IP address to your Class A record.

Still assuming GKE, you can retrieve the second IP address as follows:

INGRESS_IP=$(kubectl get ing chartmuseum -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")

To test the domain, you can do the following:

CM_URL=$(kubectl get ing chartmuseum -o jsonpath="{.spec.rules[0].host}")

``` bash tab="Curl" curl $CM_URL

``` bash tab="Httpie"
http $CM_URL

Configure TLS

If we have a proper domain configured and working, we can also enable TLS. As we've not done so at the start, we will have to update the Ingress configuration.

For all the options for updating the Ingress configuration, use the command below.

jx upgrade ingress --help

To configure TLS for our ingresses, we need TLS certificates. Jenkins X does this via Let's Encrypt, which in Kubernetes is easily done via Certmanager.

The command we will issue will ask us if we want to install CertManager, and then delete all existing ingress resources and recreate them with the certificate. Unfortunately, when in Batch mode (-b) it does not install CertManager nor is there an option to force it in this case.

  • When asked if we want to delete and recreate the existing ingress rules, say yes (y).
  • Select the expose type, which should be Ingress (route is for OpenShift).
  • Confirm your domain -> do not change it, as this upgrade does NOT change your domain configuration everywhere and you will end up with a broken system
  • Say yes to cluster wide TLS
  • If you're certain your Domain works, select the production LetEncrypt configuration, else choose staging for tests
  • Confirm your email address and the summary
  • Agree with installing CertManager
  • Do Not agree with updating the webhooks (see below)
jx upgrade ingress --cluster --verbose


There's currently a bug with changing the webhooks via this command; see issue #3115 It somehow can only select a different GitHub user than the current one, which makes no sense for an UPDATE. So we must update the webhooks manually ourselves!

Manually update webhooks

Due to issue #3115 we need to manually update our webhooks for the environment repositories.

If you're not sure where your environment repositories are, you can retrieve them with the command below:

js get env

Open each environment repository, go to the settings tabs (top right), open the webhooks menu (on the left), and edit the webhook. Simply change the http:// to https:// and save.


If you've selected the staging configuration for Let's Encrypt, you have set the SSL configuration to Disable (not recommended).

Create options

  • --buildpack='': The name of the build pack to use for the Team
  • --vault
  • --helm3=false: Use helm3 to install Jenkins X which does not use Tiller
  • --kaniko=false
  • --urltemplate='': For ingress; exposers can set the urltemplate to expose


create addon ambassador Create an ambassador addon
create addon anchore Create the Anchore addon for verifying container images
create addon cloudbees Create the CloudBees app for Kubernetes (a web console for working with CI/CD, Environments and GitOps)
create addon flagger Create the Flagger addon for Canary deployments
create addon gitea  Create a Gitea addon for hosting Git repositories
create addon istio  Create the Istio addon for service mesh
create addon knative-build Create the knative build addon
create addon kubeless Create a kubeless addon for hosting Git repositories
create addon owasp-zap Create the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy addon for dynamic security checks against running apps
create addon pipeline-events Create the pipeline events addon
create addon prometheus Creates a prometheus addon
create addon prow   Create a Prow addon
create addon sso    Create a SSO addon for Single Sign-On
create addon vault-operator Create an vault-operator addon for Hashicorp Vault


jx upgrade --help
upgrade addons Upgrades any Addons added to Jenkins X if there are any new releases available
upgrade apps Upgrades any Apps to the latest release
upgrade binaries Upgrades the command line binaries (like helm or eksctl) - if there are new versions available
upgrade cli Upgrades the command line applications - if there are new versions available
upgrade cluster Upgrades the Kubernetes master to the specified version
upgrade extensions Upgrades the Jenkins X extensions available to this Jenkins X install if there are new versions available
upgrade ingress Upgrades Ingress rules
upgrade platform Upgrades the Jenkins X platform if there is a new release available

Go lang example

jx create quickstartjc
  • select golang-http


jx promote ${APP} --version $VERSION --env production -b
jx get apps

Spring Boot Example

jx create spring -d web -d actuator


jx create terraform gke \
    --vault='true' \
    --cluster="${JX_CLUSTER_NAME}"=gke \
    --gke-project-id=${JX_GCE_PROJECT} \
    --prow \

Demo - Show JX Stuff


Get environments: jx get environments
Watch pipeline activity via:    jx get activity -f golang-http -w
Browse the pipeline log via:    jx get build logs demomon/golang-http/master
Open the Jenkins console via    jx console
You can list the pipelines via: jx get pipelines
When the pipeline is complete:  jx get applications

Build It

  • explain build packs
  • jx create quickstart
  • show Jenkinsfile
  • open application
    • jx get applications
  • create new branch git checkout -b wip
  • change main.go
  • commit git -a -m "better message"
  • push git push remote wip
  • open PR page
  • explain tide
  • add cat picture: /meow
  • test it
    • add comment /test this
    • open logs jx logs -k
  • open PR environment
  • approve the change
    • /approve
    • or add approved label
  • open logs for next step
  • promote: jx promote myapp --version 1.2.3 --env production
  • promote: jx promote ${APP} --version ${VERSION} --env production

Last update: 2019-08-31 13:12:00