Jenkins X Pipeline¶
Create Step¶
1 | jx create step --help |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | Creates a step in the Jenkins X Pipeline Aliases: step, steps Examples: # Create a new step in the Jenkins X Pipeline interactively jx create step # Creates a step on the command line: adding a post step to the release build lifecycle jx create step -sh "echo hello world" # Creates a step on the command line: adding a pre step to the pullRequest promote lifecycle jx create step -p pullrequest -l promote -m pre -c "echo before promote" Options: -d, --dir='': The root project directory. Defaults to the current dir -l, --lifecycle='': The lifecycle stage to add your step. Possible values: setup, setversion, prebuild, build, postbuild, promote -m, --mode='': The create mode for the new step. Possible values: pre, post, replace -p, --pipeline='': The pipeline kind to add your step. Possible values: release, pullrequest, feature -c, --sh='': The command to invoke for the new step Usage: jx create step [flags] [options] |
Create Step For PRs¶
Simple Example¶
1 2 3 4 5 | jx create step \ --pipeline pullrequest \ --lifecycle promote \ --mode post \ --sh 'ls -lath' |
Multiline & Wait¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | pipelineConfig: pipelines: pullRequest: build: preSteps: # This was modified - name: unit-tests command: make unittest promote: steps: # This is new - name: rollout command: | NS=\`echo cd-\$REPO_OWNER-go-demo-6-\$BRANCH_NAME | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'\` sleep 15 kubectl -n \$NS rollout status deployment preview-preview --timeout 3m # This was modified - name: functional-tests command: ADDRESS=\`jx get preview --current 2>&1\` make functest |
Validate Current Pipeline Configuration¶
1 | jx step syntax validate pipeline |
Add SonarQube Scan¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | pipelineConfig: pipelines: overrides: - name: mvn-deploy pipeline: release stage: build step: name: sonar command: sonar-scanner image: fabiopotame/sonar-scanner-cli # newtmitch/sonar-scanner for JDK 10+? dir: /workspace/source/ args: - -Dsonar.projectName=jx-qs-spring-boot - -Dsonar.projectKey=jx-qs-spring-boot - -Dsonar.organization=joostvdg-github - -Dsonar.sources=./src/main/java/ - -Dsonar.language=java - - - -Dsonar.login=bebe633ad6599cbf52f7e0b9ee1bc2bbd3cd9c80 type: after |
Pipeline Schema¶
1 | jx step syntax schema |
Build Pack Schema¶
1 | jx step syntax schema --buildpack |
1 | jx step syntax validate buildpacks |