Kubernetes Basics - Part III
This workshop segment expect you to be inside a cloned repository of k8s-specs
| git clone https://github.com/vfarcic/k8s-specs.git
cd k8s-specs
Points to cover
- Persisting State
- Deploying Stateful Applications At Scale
Persisting State
Without state preservation
| kubectl create -f pv/jenkins-no-pv.yml --record --save-config
| kubectl -n jenkins get events
| kubectl -n jenkins create secret generic jenkins-creds \
--from-literal=jenkins-user=jdoe \
| kubectl -n jenkins rollout status deployment jenkins
Retrieve Jenkins Address
Log into Jenkins
If you're on windows, open
probably doesn't work.
Copy paste the url printed and open that in a browser.
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/jenkins"
- use
as username and incognito
as password
- create a job, doesn't matter what
Kill the pod
| kubectl -n jenkins get pods --selector=app=jenkins -o json
| POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n jenkins get pods --selector=app=jenkins \
-o jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.name}")
| kubectl -n jenkins exec -it $POD_NAME pkill java
| echo "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/jenkins"
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/jenkins"
Create Volume
| gcloud compute instances list --filter="name:('${CLUSTER_NAME}')" \
--format 'csv[no-heading](zone)' | tee zones
| AZ_1=$(cat zones | head -n 1)
| AZ_2=$(cat zones | tail -n 2 | head -n 1)
| AZ_3=$(cat zones | tail -n 1)
Replace ???
with your name to make sure the disk name is unique.
| gcloud compute disks create ${PREFIX}-disk1 --zone $AZ_1
| gcloud compute disks create ${PREFIX}-disk2 --zone $AZ_2
| gcloud compute disks create ${PREFIX}-disk3 --zone $AZ_3
Later commands will depend on these variables.
So stay in the same console session or make sure you recreate these!
| VOLUME_ID_1=${PREFIX}-disk1
| gcloud compute disks describe VOLUME_ID_1
Create Persistent Volume
| YAML=pv/pv-gke.yml
cat $YAML
| cat $YAML \
| sed -e "s@REPLACE_ME_1@$VOLUME_ID_1@g" \
| sed -e "s@REPLACE_ME_2@$VOLUME_ID_2@g" \
| sed -e "s@REPLACE_ME_3@$VOLUME_ID_3@g" \
| kubectl create -f - --save-config --record
Claim Persistent Volume
| kubectl create -f pv/pvc.yml --save-config --record
| kubectl -n jenkins get pvc
Attach PVC
| kubectl apply -f pv/jenkins-pv.yml --record
| kubectl -n jenkins rollout status deployment jenkins
Demonstrate the persistent part
- open Jenkins
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/jenkins"
- create a job
| POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n jenkins get pod --selector=app=jenkins \
-o jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.name}")
| kubectl -n jenkins exec -it $POD_NAME pkill java
Let's delete Jenkins' deployment.
| kubectl -n jenkins delete deploy jenkins
Confirm it is gone.
| kubectl get all -n jenkins
Now, let's recreate Jenkins.
| kubectl apply -f pv/jenkins-pv.yml --record
| kubectl -n jenkins rollout status deployment jenkins
- confirm job is still there
- open Jenkins
open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/jenkins"
| kubectl -n jenkins get pvc
Storage Classes
Use 2
Use Default
| cat pv/jenkins-default.yml
| diff pv/jenkins-dynamic.yml pv/jenkins-default.yml
| kubectl apply -f pv/jenkins-default.yml --record
Prepare alternative SC
Create alternative SC
| kubectl create -f pv/$YAML
Use alternative SC
| kubectl delete ns jenkins
Create StatefulSwet
| kubectl apply -f sts/jenkins.yml --record
| kubectl -n jenkins rollout status sts jenkins
| kubectl -n jenkins get pvc
| kubectl -n jenkins get pv
Get Jenkins Address
Use Jenkins
| open "http://$JENKINS_ADDR/jenkins"
| kubectl delete ns jenkins
Use DB without STS
| cat sts/go-demo-3-deploy.yml
| kubectl apply -f sts/go-demo-3-deploy.yml --record
| kubectl -n go-demo-3 rollout status deployment api
| kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
| DB_1=$(kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods -l app=db \
-o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
| DB_2=$(kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods -l app=db \
-o jsonpath="{.items[1].metadata.name}")
Investigate problems
| kubectl -n go-demo-3 logs $DB_1
| kubectl -n go-demo-3 logs $DB_2
| kubectl delete ns go-demo-3
Use DB with STS
| cat sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml
| kubectl apply -f sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml --record
| kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
If we want MongoDB to use the three instances as single dataplane, we have to tell it the dataplane members.
First, we shell into one of the db containers via exec
| kubectl -n go-demo-3 exec -it db-0 -- sh
Then, make sure we're talking with MongoDB, via its REPL, with mongo
And finally we explain MongoDB what we want to do.
| rs.initiate( {
_id : "rs0",
members: [
{_id: 0, host: "db-0.db:27017"},
{_id: 1, host: "db-1.db:27017"},
{_id: 2, host: "db-2.db:27017"}
Let's confirm with MongoDB before we exit the container.
And now you're free to exit the MongoDB REPL and the container via ctrl+d
(so twice).
| kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
Observe update process
| diff sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml sts/go-demo-3-sts-upd.yml
| kubectl apply -f sts/go-demo-3-sts-upd.yml --record
| kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods
| kubectl delete ns go-demo-3