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JFrog Jenkins Challenge

Visited the stand of JFrog where they had stories about two main products: Artifactory and X-Ray.

For both there is a Challenge, an X-Ray Challenge and a Jenkins & Artifactory Challenge.

Jenkins Challenge

The instructions for the Challenge were simply, follow what is stated in their GitHub repository and email a screenshot of the result.

The instruction were as follows:

  1. Get an Artifactory instance (you can start a free trial on prem or in the cloud)
  2. Install Jenkins
  3. Install Artifactory Jenkins Plugin
  4. Add Artifactory credentials to Jenkins Credentials
  5. Create a new pipeline job
  6. Use the Artifactory Plugin DSL documentation to complete the following script:

With a Scripted Pipeline as starting point:

node {
    def rtServer
    def rtGradle
    def buildInfo
    stage('Preparation') {
        git ''
        // create a new Artifactory server using the credentials defined in Jenkins 
        // create a new Gradle build
        // set the resolver to the Gradle build to resolve from Artifactory
        // set the deployer to the Gradle build to deploy to Artifactory
        // declare that your gradle script does not use Artifactory plugin
        // declare that your gradle script uses Gradle wrapper
    stage('Build') {
        //run the artifactoryPublish gradle task and collect the build info
    stage('Publish Build Info') {
        //collect the environment variables to build info
        //publish the build info

I don't like scripted, so I opted for Declarative with Jenkins in Kubernetes with the Jenkins Kubernetes plugin.

Steps I took:

  • get a trial license from the JFrog website
  • install Artifactory
    • and copy in the license when prompted
    • change admin password
    • create local maven repo 'libs-snapshot-local'
    • create remote maven repo 'jcenter' (default remote value is jcenter, so only have to set the name)
  • install Jenkins
    • Artifactory plugin
    • Kubernetes plugin
  • add Artifactory username/password as credential in Jenkins
  • create a gradle application (Spring boot via which you can find here
  • create a Jenkinsfile

Installing Artifactory

I installed Artifactory via Helm. JFrog has their own Helm repository - of course, would weird otherwise tbh - and you have to add that first.

helm repo add jfrog
helm install --name artifactory stable/artifactory


This uses the Gradle wrapper - as per instructions in the challenge.

So we can use the standard JNLP container, which is default, so agent any will do.

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        rtServer  = ''
        rtGradle  = ''
        buildInfo = ''
        artifactoryServerAddress = 'http://..../artifactory'
    stages {
        stage('Test Container') {
            steps {
                container('gradle') {
                    sh 'which gradle'
                    sh 'uname -a'
                    sh 'gradle -version'
            steps {
                git ''
        stage('Preparation') {
            steps {
                    // create a new Artifactory server using the credentials defined in Jenkins 
                    rtServer = Artifactory.newServer url: artifactoryServerAddress, credentialsId: 'art-admin'

                    // create a new Gradle build
                    rtGradle = Artifactory.newGradleBuild()

                    // set the resolver to the Gradle build to resolve from Artifactory
                    rtGradle.resolver repo:'jcenter', server: rtServer

                    // set the deployer to the Gradle build to deploy to Artifactory
                    rtGradle.deployer repo:'libs-snapshot-local',  server: rtServer

                    // declare that your gradle script does not use Artifactory plugin
                    rtGradle.usesPlugin = false

                    // declare that your gradle script uses Gradle wrapper
                    rtGradle.useWrapper = true
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                script {
                    //run the artifactoryPublish gradle task and collect the build info
                    buildInfo = buildFile: 'build.gradle', tasks: 'clean build artifactoryPublish'
        stage('Publish Build Info') {
            steps {
                script {
                    //collect the environment variables to build info
                    buildInfo.env.capture = true
                    //publish the build info
                    rtServer.publishBuildInfo buildInfo

Jenkinsfile without Gradle Wrapper

I'd rather not install the Gradle tool if I can just use a pre-build container with it.

Unfortunately, to use it correctly with the Artifactory plugin and a Jenkins Kubernetes plugin, we need to do two things.

  1. create a Gradle Tool in the Jenkins master
    • because the Artifactory plugin expects a Jenkins Tool object, not a location
    • Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration -> Gradle -> Add
    • As value supply /usr, the Artifactory build will add /gradle/bin to it automatically
  2. set the user of build Pod to id 1000 explicitly
    • else the build will not be allowed to touch files in /home/jenkins/workspace
pipeline {
    agent {
        kubernetes {
        label 'mypod'
        yaml """apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    runAsUser: 1000
    fsGroup: 1000
  - name: gradle
    image: gradle:4.10-jdk-alpine
    command: ['cat']
    tty: true
    environment {
        rtServer  = ''
        rtGradle  = ''
        buildInfo = ''
        CONTAINER_GRADLE_TOOL = '/usr/bin/gradle'
    stages {
        stage('Test Container') {
            steps {
                container('gradle') {
                    sh 'which gradle'
                    sh 'uname -a'
                    sh 'gradle -version'
            steps {
                // git ''
        checkout scm
        stage('Preparation') {
            steps {
                    // create a new Artifactory server using the credentials defined in Jenkins 
                    rtServer = Artifactory.newServer url: '', credentialsId: 'art-admin'

                    // create a new Gradle build
                    rtGradle = Artifactory.newGradleBuild()

                    // set the resolver to the Gradle build to resolve from Artifactory
                    rtGradle.resolver repo:'jcenter', server: rtServer

                    // set the deployer to the Gradle build to deploy to Artifactory
                    rtGradle.deployer repo:'libs-snapshot-local',  server: rtServer

                    // declare that your gradle script does not use Artifactory plugin
                    rtGradle.usesPlugin = false

                    // declare that your gradle script uses Gradle wrapper
                    rtGradle.useWrapper = true
        stage('Build') {
            //run the artifactoryPublish gradle task and collect the build info
            steps {
                script {
                    buildInfo = buildFile: 'build.gradle', tasks: 'clean build artifactoryPublish'
        stage('Publish Build Info') {
            //collect the environment variables to build info
            //publish the build info
            steps {
                script {
                    buildInfo.env.capture = true
                    rtServer.publishBuildInfo buildInfo

Last update: 2019-08-31 13:12:00