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Just pointing to the documentation and GitHub repository is a bit boring and most of all, lazy. So I've gone through the trouble to create a demo project that shows what Pulumi can do.

One of the things to keep in mind is that Pulumi keeps its state in a remote location by default - Pulumi's SaaS service. Much like using an S3 bucket to store your Terraform state.

The goal of the demo is to show what you can do with Pulumi. My personal opinion is that Pulumi is excellent for managing entire systems as code. From public cloud infrastructure to public open source resources right down to your applications and their configurations.

The system that I've written with Pulumi is a CI/CD system running in a GKE cluster. The system contains Jenkins, Artifactory and a custom LDAP server.

To make it interesting, we'll use different aspects of Pulumi to create the system. We will create the GKE cluster via Pulumi's wrapper for the gcloud cli - in a similar way as JenkinsX does -, install Jenkins and Artifactory via Helm and install the LDAP server via Pulumi's Kubernetes resource classes.

Steps taken

  • For more info
  • install: brew install pulumi
  • clone demo: git clone
  • init stack: pulumi stack init demomon-pulumi-demo-1
    • connect to GitHub
  • set kubernetes config pulumi config set kubernetes:context gke_ps-dev-201405_europe-west4_joostvdg-reg-dec18-1
  • pulumi config set isMinikube false
  • install npm resources: npm install (I've used the TypeScript demo's)
  • pulumi config set username administrator
  • pulumi config set password 3OvlgaockdnTsYRU5JAcgM1o --secret
  • pulumi preview
  • incase pulumi loses your stack: pulumi stack select demomon-pulumi-demo-1
  • pulumi destroy

Based on the following demo's:

Artifactory via Helm

To install the helm charts of Artifactory using Helm, we will first need to add JFrog's repository.

  • helm repo add jfrog
  • helm repo update

GKE Cluster

Below is the code for the cluster.

import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import { nodeCount, nodeMachineType, password, username } from "./gke-config";

export const k8sCluster = new gcp.container.Cluster("gke-cluster", {
    name: "joostvdg-dec-2018-pulumi",
    initialNodeCount: nodeCount,
    nodeVersion: "latest",
    minMasterVersion: "latest",
    nodeConfig: {
        machineType: nodeMachineType,
        oauthScopes: [

GKE Config

As you could see, we import variables from a configuration file gke-config.

import { Config } from "@pulumi/pulumi";
const config = new Config();
export const nodeCount = config.getNumber("nodeCount") || 3;
export const nodeMachineType = config.get("nodeMachineType") || "n1-standard-2";
// username is the admin username for the cluster.
export const username = config.get("username") || "admin";
// password is the password for the admin user in the cluster.
export const password = config.require("password");


As you probably will want to install other things (Helm charts, services) inside this cluster, we need to make sure we get the kubeconfig file of our cluster - which is yet to be created. Below is the code - courtesy of Pulumi's GKE Example - that generates and exports the Kubernetes Client Configuration.

This client configuration can then be used by Helm charts or other Kubernetes services. Pulumi will then also understand it depends on the cluster and create/update it first before moving on to the others.

// Manufacture a GKE-style Kubeconfig. Note that this is slightly "different" because of the way GKE requires
// gcloud to be in the picture for cluster authentication (rather than using the client cert/key directly).
export const k8sConfig = pulumi.
    all([, k8sCluster.endpoint, k8sCluster.masterAuth ]).
    apply(([ name, endpoint, auth ]) => {
        const context = `${gcp.config.project}_${}_${name}`;
        return `apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: ${auth.clusterCaCertificate}
    server: https://${endpoint}
  name: ${context}
- context:
    cluster: ${context}
    user: ${context}
  name: ${context}
current-context: ${context}
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: ${context}
        cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json
        cmd-path: gcloud
        expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}'
        token-key: '{.credential.access_token}'
      name: gcp

// Export a Kubernetes provider instance that uses our cluster from above.
export const k8sProvider = new k8s.Provider("gkeK8s", {
    kubeconfig: k8sConfig,

Pulumi GCP Config

export GCP_PROJECT=...
export GCP_ZONE=europe-west4-a
export GCP_SA_NAME=...

Make sure you have a Google SA (Service Account) by that name first, as you can read here. For me it worked best to NOT set any environment variables mentioned. They invairably caused authentication or authorization issues. Just make sure the SA account and it's credential file (see below) are authorized and the gcloud cli works.

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create gcp-credentials.json \
    --iam-account ${GCP_SA_NAME}@${GCP_PROJECT}
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file gcp-credentials.json
gcloud auth application-default login
pulumi config set gcp:project ${GCP_PROJECT}
pulumi config set gcp:zone ${GCP_ZONE}
pulumi config set password --secret ${CLUSTER_PASSWORD}

Post Cluster Creation

gcloud container clusters get-credentials joostvdg-dec-2018-pulumi
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding  --clusterrole cluster-admin  --user $(gcloud config get-value account)

Install failed

Failed to install artifactory-artifactory.

Probably due to missing rights, so probably have to execute the admin binding before the helm charts.

error: Plan apply failed: "artifactory-artifactory" is forbidden: attempt to grant extra privileges: ...

Helm Charts

Using Pulumi to install a Helm Chart feels a bit like adding layers of wrapping upon wrapping. The power of Pulumi becomes visible when using more than one related service on the same cluster - for example a SDLC Tool Chain.

This example application installs two helm charts, Jenkins and Artifactory, on a GKE cluster that is also created and managed by Pulumi.

Below is an example of installing a Helm chart of Jenkins, where we provide the Kubernetes config from the GKE cluster as Provider. This way, Pulumi knows it must install the helm chart in that GKE cluster and not in the current Kubeconfig.

import { k8sProvider, k8sConfig } from "./gke-cluster";

const jenkins = new k8s.helm.v2.Chart("jenkins", {
    repo: "stable",
    version: "0.25.1",
    chart: "jenkins",
    }, { 
        providers: { kubernetes: k8sProvider }

Deployment & Service

First, make sure you have an interface for the configuration arguments.

export interface LdapArgs {
    readonly name: string,
    readonly imageName: string,
    readonly imageTag: string

Then, create a exportable Pulumi resource class that can be reused.

export class LdapInstallation extends pulumi.ComponentResource {
    public readonly deployment: k8s.apps.v1.Deployment;
    public readonly service: k8s.core.v1.Service;

    // constructor

Inside the constructor placehold we will create a constructor method. It will do all the configuration we need to do for this resource, in this case a Kubernetes Service and Deployment.

constructor(args: LdapArgs) {
    super("k8stypes:service:LdapInstallation",, {});
    const labels = { app: };
    const name =

First Kubernetes resource to create is a container specification for the Deployment.

const container: k8stypes.core.v1.Container = {
    image: args.imageName + ":" + args.imageTag,
    resources: {
        requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "200Mi" },
        limits: { cpu: "100m", memory: "200Mi" },
    ports: [{
            name: "ldap",containerPort: 1389,

As the configuration arguments can be any TypeScript type, you can allow people to override entire segments (such as Resources). Which you would do as follows:

    resources: args.resources || {
        requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "200Mi" },
        limits: { cpu: "100m", memory: "200Mi" },

The Deployment and Service construction are quite similar.

this.deployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(, {
    spec: {
        selector: { matchLabels: labels },
        replicas: 1,
        template: {
            metadata: { labels: labels },
            spec: { containers: [ container ] },
},{ provider: cluster.k8sProvider });
this.service = new k8s.core.v1.Service(, {
    metadata: {
        labels: this.deployment.metadata.apply(meta => meta.labels),
    spec: {
        ports: [{
                name: "ldap", port: 389, targetPort: "ldap" , protocol: "TCP"
        selector: this.deployment.spec.apply(spec => spec.template.metadata.labels),
        type: "ClusterIP",
}, { provider: cluster.k8sProvider });

Last update: 2019-08-31 13:12:00