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Grafana Dashboard

Example Screenshot

gitops model

Grafana Variables

  • cluster
    • type: datasource
    • datasource type: prometheus
  • node
    • type: query
    • query: label_values(kube_node_info{component="kube-state-metrics"}, node)
    • label: K8S Node
    • multivalue
    • include all
  • namespace
    • type: query
    • query: label_values(jenkins_health_check_duration, kubernetes_namespace)
    • label: Namespace
    • multivalue
    • include all
  • instance
    • type: query
    • query: label_values(jenkins_health_check_duration, app_kubernetes_io_instance)
    • label: Master
    • multivalue
    • include all

Dashboard json

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Last update: 2019-08-27 16:00:18